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Hypocrisy, the Hallmark of the US

Staff Writer

It is but natural for countries of the same geographical region, especially those sharing age-old ties of civilization to get together and explore areas of cooperation beneficial to them in a variety of fields.
This ought not to irk outside powers since a regional grouping does not mean the start of confrontation with other regional blocs in today’s concept of the global village, where worldwide cooperation with respect for the independence and sovereignty of all others is the key to the harmony of humanity and peaceful co-existence.
Only hegemonic powers, whose principal pastime is meddling in the affairs of other countries and imposing will on weaklings on the pretext of friendship that is actually barely disguised hypocrisy, abhor the idea of cooperation among regional states (e.g. the recent start of implementation of the 25 year Iran-China accord).
The United States of America (USA), an upstart militarized country that holds as hostage many of the so-called Third World countries created by the retreating European colonialists and has fattened on their economies, is the prime example of a hegemon which as part of its propaganda war against independent countries shamelessly resorts to hypocrisy.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, the prime victim of the extra-territorial evil of the US, has over the past four decades safeguarded not only its own independence and sovereignty but also the rights and aspirations of the people of the region, to the chagrin of Washington which in sheer frustration is presently fueling the flames of war in Yemen – along with its provocation against Russia in Ukraine, and against China in Taiwan.
That is the reason the American regime is angry at Iran’s growing positive influence in the neighbourhood and beyond as well as its strategic cooperation with international heavyweights China and Russia.
With Moscow and Beijing rejecting Washington’s economic terrorism against Tehran, and with public opinion in the US questioning the White House’s unwise policy of prolonging the unwanted presence of Yankee troops in Syria and Iraq at the risk of their return home in body bags, President Joe Biden’s men have stepped up their hypocrisy.
For instance, the Biden regime remained silent on Saudi Arabia’s recent bombing campaign in Yemen, and even Riyadh’s pointless accusations against Iran.
State Department Spokesman Ned Price made a laughing stock of himself by claiming: “The illegal flow of Iranian weapons to Yemen is enabling the brutal Houthi offensive against Marib, leading to loss of civilian lives and prolonging the war.”
He or his superiors didn’t even bother to think that if the alleged 1,400 AK-47 assault rifles and 226,600 rounds of ammunition from a vessel claimed to be from Iran (of course, without evidence) prolong the war and civilian suffering, what does $650 million worth of sophisticated American weapons, which Biden recently sold to Saudi Arabia, do?
Do they bring peace? Do they alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people? Do they save bloodshed?
Moreover, during Christmas, when the Americans are supposed to reflect on the teachings of the Messenger of Peace, Jesus, and oppose all crimes against humanity, the US condemned a cross-border attack by Yemen’s defenders on the Jizan province of invader Saudi Arabia but said nothing about Riyadh’s bombing of the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.
These same lies are evident in the US’ support for the illegal Zionist entity’s stockpile of nuclear weapons, and the wild charges against Iran, the only world country which has religiously forbidden manufacture of all weapons of mass destruction.
Height of hypocrisy indeed by a morally bankrupt and politically failed hegemon, which is rightly regarded as the “Great Satan” by Iranians and conscientious people all over the world.

About خاکسار

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