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UK: A volunteer raising money to build Mosque in Afghanistan

 A volunteer at the local branch of the One Nation humanitarian charity in Rochdale, a town in Greater Manchester, England, is raising money to build a Mosque in Afghanistan.

Fahad Akram, 30, is aiming to raise £7,000 to build the house of worship. To date, he has raised £3,780 through bucket collections and a biryani sale.

He said: “This Masjid (Mosque) will have the capacity of 150-180 people including a Wudhu area [a washroom designated for ritual washing before prayers]. “This project is very close to my heart as I have always wanted to build a Masjid. “Jazakallah Khair [May Allah (SWT) reward you with goodness] to everyone that has supported and donated.”

One Nation supports local, national and international projects, from providing hot food and support for the homeless to providing emergency aid, clean water, food, clothes and shelters in devastated countries around the world.

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