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How Muslims Celebrate Start of Ramadan

Ramadan is here and Muslims around the world have celebrated the start of the holy month with different traditions, among which is how to celebrate Iftar.
During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk, converge in mosques for prayers, and traditionally break their fast in gatherings in mosques or with family and friends in the evening.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which is celebrated worldwide by Muslims. It is referred to as the month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. Fasting for Ramadan is mandatory for all Muslims, except the ones who are chronically ill, breastfeeding, traveling or menstruating. The pre-dawn meal is referred to as suhur and the night feast that marks the breaking of the fast is referred to as Iftar.
Iftar traditions are celebrated all around the world with celebrations, togetherness and sumptuous meals. Traditionally, Ramadan fast is broken with dates, water followed by a light meal. However, there are a range of food data-x-items that are made especially during Ramadan and are known all over the world. We have curated a few of the Iftar traditions from round the world. Take a look:
As the holy month of Ramadan has coincided with the mild season in Iran, many Iranian families go out to have their Iftar meals together in the parks.
Also, using Iranian traditional Iftar foods, some people prepare Iftar on large scales at public places like mosques in which Muslims gather to break their fast.
The holy city of Mashhad in Iran hosts one of the longest Iftar tables on earth. The squares within the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza witness this great feast every evening in Ramadan.
According to Hindustan Times, the preparation of the Iftar meal starts around three hours beforehand in homes and in street stalls. Savories such as jalebis, samosas and pakoras are also served during Iftar. Many restaurants also offer iftar meals during this time. Right after Iftar, Tawarih – an 8 or 20 Rakat Muslim prayer – takes place. People then flock to the local bazaar for the Chaand Raat festivities.
Indian Muslims break their fast with free Iftar meals organized by the mosques. Dates and water commence the start of the Iftar meal, which is a sumptuous spread of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. In Hyderabad, people break their fast with Haleem. In states such as Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal, Iftar starts with dates, freshly cut fruits and fruit juice followed by fried food data-x-items such as pakodas and samosas.
A wide variety of Bangladeshi cuisine is prepared such as jilapi, muri, haleem, dates, samosas, dal puri, pitha, aloo chop, singara, ghugni, amerti, bundia, nimki,Pakora, khaja, batasa, khabar tula. Bengalis break their fast with a wide variety of dishes with their families and friends.
In Malaysia, Iftar is referred to as berbuka puasa. After breaking their fast with traditional dates and water, people indulge in bandung drink, sugarcane juice, soybean milk mixed with grass jelly, nasi lemak, laksa, ayam percik, chicken rice, satay and popiah.

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