Home / Writings & News / US Delegation, Israeli Officials Hold Several Secret Panels on Iran, Abraham Accord, Washington-Tel Aviv Relations

US Delegation, Israeli Officials Hold Several Secret Panels on Iran, Abraham Accord, Washington-Tel Aviv Relations

 High-ranking former and present US and Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as ex- and current Washington ambassadors to Tel Aviv, discussed various regional and international issues, including Iran, Israel-Arabs normalization, the strategic partnership between the US and Israel as well as the ongoing war between Russian and Ukraine, during a highly confidential summit underway in the Palestinian occupied territories.

“The First Secret Meeting of Tikvah” started on Tuesday morning local time in Israel. Several American and Israeli officials, including Netanyahu, Pompeo and US senators, have attended the highly protected panels that was to be kept completely confidential.

Netanyahu was the first speaker of the summit. His speech coincided with the massive rallies across the occupied territories against his plan to limit judicial influence. The prime minister raised his vision on promoting the Zionist regime to a regional leader, and spoke about political and security issues in the region as well as strategies to deal with challenges facing Tel Aviv and Washington on the international scene.

Manager of ultra-orthodox Jewish center “The Tikvah fund” Amiad Cohen, Rotem Sella and Walter Russel Mead were also present at the panel.

The second part of the summit was held on Wednesday morning local time. Yuval Steinitz, a member of the Knesset for the Likud party, the CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Mark Dubowitz, and General Yaakov Amidror, the former National Security Advisor, also debated strategic partnership between Washington and Tel Aviv in pursuit of common goals.

Dr. Ebtesam Al-Ketabi, the president of the United Arab Emirates Human Rights Commission, gave a speech at the next panel. She has played a key role in normalization of relations between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi.

Dr. Michael Doran and Nimrod Gez accompanied Al-Ketabi during the panel to discuss building a regional coalition between Sunnis and Shiites against Iran’s growing power and domination in the region.

Ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Jim Risch of Idaho and Former US Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela Elliott Abrams are due to deliver a speech on various policies of support for Israel at the fourth panel.

Pompeo is due to address the event on “American Global Leadership into the Future” at the fifth part of the summit before lunch. The former diplomat, who is advancing his election campaign for the upcoming US presidential election, hopes for the financial support from the Israeli lobbies.

The protection team of Pempeo, whose arrest warrant has been issued by Tehran over the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, has been stationed in Israel since past week. The team has evaluated the meeting’s venue to guarantee the security of the participants.

The first speakers of the Wednesday noon’s panels will be Karen Elliott House, the former Wall Street Journal analyst and editor. Joshua Teitelbaum, the Israeli analyst and Shiite expert, along with Elliott House, will exchange views on the future of modernization in Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom’s relations with the US, as well as the Abraham Accord and the normalization of ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

Former Israeli National Security Advisor and former lead negotiator on the Iran nuclear deal with the US, Meir Ben-Shabbat, will conduct an address on Israel’s neighbors and the balance of power in the region.

Wednesday’s Panels will end with a speech by Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Peter Berkowitz, the former Director of Policy Planning at the United States Department of State.

The summit will continue on Thursday, and Abrams, along with Natan Sharansky, anti-Russian figure and the former Chairman of the Executive for the Jewish Agency, and Mickey Aharanson, the former head of the Foreign Relations Department of the National Security Council in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, will hold a panel to debate the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war on the global affairs, Europe and West Asia.

The 10th panel will be held with lectures by Eli Groner, Dov Zigler and Eli Miller on the global economy and the future problems of Israel, and the 11th panel is dedicated to speeches by Simcha Rothman, the chairman of the Knesset Judiciary Commission, and Moshe Koppel on the effects of legal reforms on Israel’s national security.

Abrams will attend a panel for the third time to speak on politics of support for Israel, along with US Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

At the end of the summit, the former and current US ambassadors to Israel, David Friedman and Thomas R. Nides, will discuss the strategic relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv in future. Cohen will also deliver the final speech.

The US delegation has also held several meetings with Israeli officials on the sidelines of the so-called “secret summit”. Pompeo on Tuesday night met with Netanyahu, discussing Netanyahu and his cabinet’s support for Pompeo and his party in the upcoming US presidential election.

US Regional Security Office as well as Israeli police and security agencies have tightened security measures after the Fars News Agency (FNA) disclossed the deatils of the secret meetings.

The Pompeo’s protection team has for days evaluated the security conditions of the summit’s venue for fear of his life. The main challenging issue that the team faced during the last week was assessing the security condition of the second venue of the summit which lays 200 meters away from the hotel at Sea House on the Mediterranean coast; the team is worried that the resistance forces might be waiting for the former diplomat at this location. He is placed at the top of the list of Iran’s revenge for the assassination of Lieut. Gen. Soleimani.

About خاکسار

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