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Tag Archives: Deal of the Century

The ‘Deal of the Century’ Is Apartheid

The ‘Deal of the Century’ resurrects and restores grand apartheid, a racist political system that should have been left in the dustbins of history. With great fanfare, President Trump finally unveiled his long-anticipated Middle East peace proposal. The proposal was labeled ‘The Deal of the Century’ because it was supposed …

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Sheikh Isa Qassim: Bahrain’s Intifada Is a Peaceful and Wise Movement/ Fall of ‘Deal of the Century’ is not Beyond the Power of Islamic Ummah

The Bahraini Shia leader stating that this year’s slogan for Bahrain’s Intifada is “On the Path to Victory”, said that the Bahraini Intifada is a peaceful, wise and scholarly movement, and its constant motto is returning to wisdom and religion, human conscience and universal laws. Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, the …

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Palestinians reject US deal of the century

Press TV:Palestinian factions have reiterated their rejection of US ‘deal of the century’ ahead of Unveiling this week, calling for a “day of rage.” Palestinian Authority spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh stressed that the Palestinians would not allow the plan, which Trump calls the “deal of the century” to pass. “The Palestinian leadership, …

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