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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the Messenger of morality and kindness

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the messenger of morality, lenience, forgiveness, justice, and kindness. He is also a model of mercy and kindness. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned the people against discords. He was on his guard with the people at all times but never withheld from them his smile or good manners.
Whenever he sat with someone or stood with him about a matter, he would patiently wait until the other person was satisfied and left. If anyone asked him for anything he would either give him what he asked or speak to him some kind words. His openness and good manners enveloped the people and he was to them as a father; for him all of them had equal rights.
His gatherings were gatherings of kindness and modesty, patience and trust, where voices were not raised and sanctity was not trampled upon. There the people vied with each other to be the most just and the most virtuous and God-conscious. They would respect the elders and treat the young with mercy and give preference to those in need and protect the stranger.” The Prophet (PBUH) never probed into the degrees of faith of others, and indeed there is no way of discovering anyone’s inner nature.
He was balanced and did not go to extremes and would never become heedless for fear that the people would become heedless and divert from the right path. He was prepared for every situation and would not fall short of the truth nor go beyond it. It was the best of the people who followed him.
‘If during prayer he heard a child crying, he would hasten to end the prayer so that the child’s mother, who was praying with the Prophet (PBUH), could go to the child. Someone said to him: ‘O Apostle of God, you made the prayer lighter today!’ He said: ‘I heard a child crying and I feared that his mother would be concerned’.
– Moral Governance of Prophet Muhammad (s) Part 4: Culture & Education, Mohammad Nasr Isfahani
– A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims, Seyyed Ali Asghar Razwy
-Justice, Peace and Prophet Muhammad by Seyyed Muhammad Rizvi
– Religious Tolerance in Islam Religious Tolerance in Islam Seyyed Muhammad Rizvi
-How did Islam Spread? By Sword or By Conversion? , Seyyed Muhammad Rizvi
-The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a Mercy to the World, Seyyed Muhammad Sadiq Al Shirazi

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