Home / Writings & News / Palestinian PM calls on world to boycott Trump plan: Palestinians’ Rights not for sale!

Palestinian PM calls on world to boycott Trump plan: Palestinians’ Rights not for sale!

“This a plan to protect Trump from impeachment and protect (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu from prison. It is not a Middle East peace plan,” Shtayyeh told a cabinet meeting.
Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Shtayyeh on Monday urged international powers to boycott US President Donald Trump’s so-called “peace plan”.

“This a plan to protect Trump from impeachment and protect (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu from prison. It is not a Middle East peace plan,” Shtayyeh told a cabinet meeting.
This plan, which is also called “Deal of the Century”, gives the Zionist entity sovereignty over Palestinian territory,” he said.
Trump is expected to unveil his plan for the Middle East after hosting Monday in Washington Netanyahu and his political rival Benny Gantz.
It comes as Trump is facing an impeachment trial in the Senate while Netanyahu, who is facing indictment over corruption allegations, will contest an election next month which Gantz is hoping to win.
“We call on the international community to not be partners in this because it contravenes international law,” Shtayyeh told the Palestinian cabinet.
“The rights of the Palestinian people are not for sale.”
Reports suggest that that Trump’s plan could declare settlements in the occupied West Bank “legal”.
The US proposal could also pull back from the creation of a Palestinian state with east Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as its capital after Trump in 2018 recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Shtayyeh said president Mahmoud Abbas would call a meeting of the Palestinian leadership to discuss the best ways to respond to the plan.

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