Home / Writings & News / Occupied Jerusalem’s Islamic Cemetery in danger of demolition

Occupied Jerusalem’s Islamic Cemetery in danger of demolition

The graves of Muslims in the “Al-Yusufiya” cemetery on the outskirts of occupied Jerusalem have not escaped the danger of the Israeli regime’s demolitions.
The historical Islamic cemetery “Al-Yusufiya” is located on the eastern side of the walls of the old city of Jerusalem and in the north of the Babal-Rahma cemetery and is separated from the old city of Jerusalem by the Al-Asbat gate. The cemetery includes the graves of Palestinian Muslim families living in Jerusalem. In the northern part of the cemetery is a memorial to the Jordanian martyrs who were martyred in 1967, and is known as the Tomb of the Martyrs.
Al-Yusufiyah Cemetery has been not remained safe from Israelis, and the workers of Israeli municipal in occupied Jerusalem entered the cemetery last week by demolishing the Babal-Asbat entrance staircase and cutting down old trees to facilitate the demolition operation. For the past three years, the Israeli regime has begun excavations at this historic cemetery, which include closing the steps leading to the cemetery door and establishing a communication route from the cemetery to the Friday Bazaar in front of the northern wall of Jerusalem under the pretext of protecting the cemetery.
Mustafa Abu Zohreh, Head of the Committee for the Protection of Islamic Graves in Jerusalem, said: “Israel’s municipality in occupied Jerusalem seven years ago destroyed 40 graves in the Al Shuhada Cemetery and poured concrete on their rubble.” He added: “This regime has also confiscated the” Ma’minullah “cemetery in the west of occupied Jerusalem and has built buildings on the graves of Muslim scholars and great Islamic figures of Jerusalem.” Abu Zohreh emphasized that the Israeli regime is trying to destroy the Islamic history of this cemetery and the city of Quds, and to build Israeli buildings in order to Judaize this city.
This news is originally published by Iqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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