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Light bulb

The works of the predecessors of the three cultures, the three ancient civilizations and the universal thought in the world testify:

1 = Ancient Egypt , the land of Haman’s rule and Jenny’s Genome, which Pharaoh later found on them!

2 = Ancient Greece and Rome , which was the land of the unbelievers under the rule of the gods and the goddesses of the gentiles of the race! As:

Venus and Zeus and March and Athena and Neptune and Diana and Apollo …

3 = Ancient Iran , a holy land where Almonds have always lived!And never been worshiped in that idol! Therefore, the believing Christians also hold the land of the Savior, Imam Ali (as).

Now, the same dear Iran, which was hated and invaded by the non-divine civilization of the West, and the likes of Alexander the Macdonian, infidels and bloodshed , attacked Iran according to divine, brutal apostles, to eradicate the root of the divine religion of Zoroastrianism, and suppress the believers with superstition And sex, and wine, and picture, and threaten and mislead …

Today, the same thinking and hostility, between sincere monotheists, and the cruel cruel cruel torture of the crooked civilization , are apparent in various forms …

The West is a magic and jumble offering, with two armies Freemasonry and Ellu Minati have been trying to keep peopleunnoticed for centuries, forgetting the unlucky creator, and worshiping and worshiping!

They are also determined to disassociate their main enemy, the unified Iranians …

While Empire Iran was at the height of all power and authority, and self-defeating and shrewd, such as Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, themercenary and despicable of the West, all the people, even in the region, were arrogantly angry and continuously tortured and detained his opponents. And finally, in the most brutal manner that he learned from the temple knights , he killed innocent people with a great deal of grief, and he did not fear anyone or the international organization!

Because the United Nations and its affiliated sectors were under the rule of the United States, they hid America and its accusations , which themselves have been subject to the likes of security .

In this unusual and strange situation of the time, which the worldly striving, admirable in the West and the East, exhaled and inspired:أنا ربكم الأعلي , Shah Zalil and the oppressed Iran, also, with the dedication of the lord of his genius , God meant !

And the owner of the wounded officers of the army, the country and the poor Zarindozan, called him “ Allah” and the gods , “the deceived Muslim”, the King of the ruthless are considered sacred!

Yes, at this time and place of disgrace that nobody darrat breathed, and vulgarity and eruption of sin and neglect, was awakened! And the believers did not have power and shelter, and they stumbledbetween the two razor blades of red and blue scissors andFreemasons and Iluminates , and they only sought God’s help:

  Iodine (herbicide) 

In these acute conditions, a divine man named after the spirit ofKhomeini, after years of self-improvement and virtue, trusted the Creator of the heavens and the earth, like a lion, a masculine man, to break the idol with the backing of Molla (aj) 

In the first place, with a light flame on Pharaoh of Iran , he pulled him out of the bed and fled.

And by blasting the light of the Islamic Revolution , he shook the face of the bastard , and scared the great devil 

And he gave the world the promise of the coming of the beloved messiah (aj) , which is from God , the wise , the heir, the owner of earth and time, and the Savior of Adam and the universe 


In the small absence of the Holy Ghost , Imam Mahdi (aj) , on this mode and behavior, who, in order to make their decisions and answer the questions and needs of the people and properties, choose a comprehensive person to choose from him, the dowry and Point out the divine needle, so that the enthusiasts will come to astonishment, and act on the path to love, romance!

The time of the death of each particular nawb, from the material world to the world of ghosts in the barracks, as well as the Imam Humayam (aj) They themselves chose the other person, and the former vicegerent, the next vice-speaker, introduced the Imam of Time (AS) , not the people themselves choose one …


The 50th anniversary of the 1930s was the culmination of America’s corruption in the land of Iran, which is endlessly due to propaganda, media and art, the sins and various corruption of adultery, sodomy, deceit, lies and gambling, self-deprecation and self-deprecation. It expands greatly so that it will dominate all cultural, military, economic, and … domains …

And from the simple and unknowing young Iran, he creates an unnamed and beloved West, under the dominance of the Freemasonry and the Iluminates, to dance and make his dreams compromise, unaware of the kind God, do not have to do anything and do not be divine . , But also an act of commitment to the seditious Western culture and orders …


But Yumaldin’s owner threw a new design, and spread his charming light in the beautiful land of Iran …

يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله بأفحاه وأبى الله إلا أنيتت نوره و ل كره الكافرون

They want to shut off the light of the light with their words, but God does not allow them to complete the light of the light, although they will not please the unbelievers.

Yes, this was the way that the Most Merciful God , love and trust and trust in Imam Khomeini flowed in his hearts.

And the light explosion occurred in Iran, and its light was also drawn to prestigious hearts throughout the universe!

And the seal of this sincere spiritual leader, in the hearts of all, including Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, and non-religional, has spread throughout the world …

Interestingly, the great devil and his mandate were more likely to work against the proxies of the promised Mahdi (aj) , they were more disappointed and defeated, and added to the dignity and love of Imam Khomeini!

And the enemy repeatedly confessed that he was struggling with this man of God ! And Khomeini, the good servant of God, can not be controlled or explained by any well-known formula and principle …


At the same time, the time came for the deputy of Mahdi, and everyone wanted to do something in the society after the dear Imam Khomeini !

Unaware that this property has the owner! And it should be coordinated with the owner of the house and listened to him!

Not everyone with a parachute and anxiety will tune his instrument!Whose end is dismay and fall …

I wish that we were learning and practicing Imam Khomeini during the revolutionary period!

It is not forgotten, for example, when on February 21, 1979 , the subordinate agents of the United States declared a military government threatening no one to leave the house!

Listen to Imam Khomeini but God (aj), proclaimed: people do not stay at home and throw them to the streets …

Many of the politicians and carers of the revolution, with a message from the 28th of Mordad of the time of Mossadeq, did not consider this commandment of Imam Khomeini in confronting the enemy with the armed teeth and did not consider it correct, and finally, the Prophet of Ayatullah Taleqani , the leader of struggle and jihad , Asked to remind Imam Khomeini that:

American advisers and chiefs of the Jabbar army are also waiting for this reaction of the Imam and the people, so that in silence of the media and international gatherings, and the two superpowers of the supporter of the Shah, as well as the seemingly liberal American Europe, a massive massacre in Tehran and Make cities and capture the heads of the revolution and take control of the situation! And again, like August 28 , and May 15, 2010, they will be victorious and …

But the Imam of the Ummah was emphasizing his command!

But when Imam Khomeini insisted on observing AyatullahTaleqani , he asked:

What if this command is  Sahib  ?

It was here that Ayatullah Taleqani became aware of the great and holy truth, and when he returned from his mission, in response to the question of the revolutionaries, what was the result?

Mr. Taleghani crying, remarked: go tell people to come to the streets! Where are we and where are the imam

Yes, the sheet was back and the Creator God had set up a new program before the emergence …

And finally, what God wanted, and no one would be able to deal with the light of God and the advocacy of the armed and wealthy aristocracy … Alhamdullah 


Years passed, a harder test was on the way …

Khomeini, God’s Good Almighty , joined God on June 14, 1989 .

The harsh and ruthless enemies in their lurched sight did not recognize the joy of the head and stompped it, as we said: the fall of the Velayat-e faqih system has come, and it must be revengeful for the Khomeini and the rebellious Persians. .

Mehman Mehsan Khomeini, the gentleman, did not know in the savage sorrow, and they were crying and dying, depressed and amazed at the outcome of the future …

Properties were in the inflammation of the great Khomeini heritage to shield the ranks of the revolutionary ship?

Considering the great and dangerous mistake that Mr. Montazeri has chosen!

And if Imam Khomeini did not succeed in the modern system, he would have liked all his enemies, and he would be in a state of injustice and grudge, only to remain ashes and to rejoice.

The experts gathered together to do something, ignoring the fact that God would carry out what is satisfying to his plan, although they will not be dismayed.

This time, in the last moments of the Assembly of Experts, Leadership, the scene of change, and the program of God!

When it was noted that Imam Khomeini, listening to the owner before his death, repeatedly introduced his own leader to the properties of society!

Khomeini, who was practically demonstrating on February 21, 2010, is following the orders of the owner (aj) ! And in this way, it is by no means anxious and tolerant … because: Abdul Malik is Yomuddinand I am …

Ay Imam Khomeini Rah, the deputy of the Imam of Time (aj) , who only listened to Molla (AJ) , after 10 years of performing honestly and without the eye of someone from his own family or his family, died on June 14, 1989 in Jenat There was a scar on the goddess of divine service …

It is strange! Ten years after the death of Imam Khomeini, in 1999 , during the reign of the reformist government, a seditious cause was established, and it was flared! And burned everything!

And he did not do anything from the police, the military, the religious organization, etc., to stand up to the deceived people of the enemies of Mellon, and to enlighten them so that the right line can be separated from falsehood!

The revolution, therefore, came close to the fall , and the United States, Israel and Europe, and the Islamic counter-revolution , rejoiced They did not stick in their skin, and they promissed:

You see, Khomeini’s regime collapses with the structure of Velayat-e faqih …

It is interesting and very instructive in contemporary history that, in the absence of Kobra, Ayatollah Khamenei, whom Imam Khomeini had proposed for his succession, to take over the leadership of the Islamic Revolution, with empty hands and only, The merciful God came to Friday prayers and in front of everyone, with the proprietor of the revolution, the promised Mahdi (aj)  Paying for the whisper and asking for a …

And in the surprise and disbelief of the friend and the enemy, Iran untied the storm before the Maghreb! And all the evil ones are over!And all the woolen hideous enemies became cotton!

And the more experienced revolutionary ship continued on its path to the destination of the apocalypse and the rise of Mehdi Fatimah (as)!

Ten years later, in 2009, the same faction that corrupted itself and considered itself reformist , again, helped the government with the help of the devil and western media of the devil, wound the revolution to the destruction!

Again , nobody does anything to deal with the oppressors ! And the counter-revolution, were lurking at the hands of various Western media, and with their trained and trained programs, they were able to defeat the people and blow themselves up against the revolution and the regime!

While America, Israel, Europe, and the savage and savage Arabs, and counter-revolutionary enemies , creeping and cheerful, humbly , could not hide their direct management and intervention …

Against the oppressed leader of the regime , a trunk came to the battlefield! And because of the past, exposed to all, help from the impassioned and disillusioned.

He also prepared his wretched and painful body to sacrifice the Divine Revolution!

And everybody knew that the empty train of the revolution was left open!

It’s time for the wolves to attack, it’s time …

But Mahdi Mendhi (aj) honored the honest and loyal leader of Iran!And he asked what he had requested on the same day! And after months of peace, security and kindness returned to the stormy country …

Although these two strange and contemporary stories have been lesswell understood by thinkers and thinkers than a pattern for resolving seditions!

So you should be awaiting the bigger intrigues of the wise enemies and the ignorant friends!

As you know about the story of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS) and the adventures of the Imam and the Prophets and the Prophets and the Qasatin!

And simple plains of the heart, and simple properties , easily eat the deceit of their wicked and offspring, and knowingly or unknowingly, they are separated from the right line, and milked in vain …


Following the light wave of Bahman 1357, the Almighty God bless the colorful world and domestic mosquitoes, nowadays a flood of divine glittering slaps is taking off on the enemy’s body!

It seems that unlike the past, lions and dinosaurs are dormant, awake, and sequentially, they bring many wonders, which are unparalleled and decisive! And it has brought happiness and dignity to Hezbollah :

33-day Lebanon wars, 22-day Gaza war, Islamic awakening in the Muslim lands, victory in Syria against the abductors, Zafar in Iraq against the separatists and …

And most importantly, the most striking , Mubarak Arbaeen Hosseini’s phenomenon has been unique and surprising in the past five years, in the 10th anniversary of humanity, in the number of people in the scene and in the extent of the story, and pure action!

The light and the specialty of Hussein Fatemeh (AS) , all people with any religion and land, are attracted and eager to be present at the prominent and notorious oppressors of Karbala Salavat , to enjoy the thirst …

Yes, the bright light of Arbaeen, which points out the prestigioushearts, seems to come from the space of Karbala, its special and fascinating lighting everywhere.

Let’s Think: This year, in January 2012 , the ruthless, violent, radical, violent and radical anti-revolutionary mobs of the US and Israel, Lain, and the enemies of the land of Iran, who, in their opinion, after the rebellion of 2009, rebuilding and practicing the war and urban rebellion, Against Drum of revenge, the dear Islamand the Persians of Muwhad, John Barkov came to take revenge for their injuries and losses in the years 57, 68, 78 and 88 

The enemy was ambushed by abusing a popular protest , oppressive, flaming fire, murdering, insulting the sanctities, burning the hearts of all the elderly inside and outside!

But with the surprise and disbelief of the friend and the enemy of the hawk , this time the fire of sedition, contrary to the previous cases, which lasted for months, and eventually the leadership came to the scene, to fire the permission of Allah 

كلما أوقدوا ناره للحرب أطفأها الله

Every time a fire was fired for fighting, God turned it off     ) المئدة: 64(

This time, the enemy of Zaboon did not last for more than a few hours, and the people themselves quickly recognized the crippled!And from this great evil devil, they quickly escaped, and some of them also struggled with them …

This understanding and purity of the right of falsehood in sedition is thought by many thinkers who are contemplating and watching Allah’s plans, the source of the infuriated light of Arba’in Hosseini to Islamic Iran !

Especially since the sedition, after this year’s Arbeits this year, and the behavior of the people of Persia and Arbaein in the aftermath of the earthquake in Kermanshah, and the grateful cooperation of all Iranians, came with injuries …

That God willing , is promising to this important:

From the subtle light of the Holy Quran of Arbaeen Hosseini, our talented people and our community, take the most benefit and bless …

But, are we and I, one of those who are proud and honest people, benefit from it ?!

Or أيها الذين آمنوا إن تنسروا الله ينصركم وثثق أقدمكم

O Believers, if you help Allah, He will help you, and He will keep your steps.)محمدحمد: 7(



Abdullah Yumeddin

Anousheh Gilani Nezhad



About صراط عشق

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