Home / Writings & News / Libyan footballers, Sicilian fishermen: Family member’s quest for freedom

Libyan footballers, Sicilian fishermen: Family member’s quest for freedom

Family members on both coasts of the Mediterranean, Sicili and Benghazi are demanding the freedom of their loved ones held by the authorities of the other side, in a quest that has become tangled with politics between Libya and Italy.
Separated by the Mediterranean and some 766km, people in Benghazi and Sicily have found themselves on two sides of the same coin.”When the civil war erupted in Libya [in 2014], our footballers had to stop their training and start thinking about leaving Libya for a better country where they could follow their ambitions,” said Ibtisam Faraj, the aunt of one of four Libyan footballers held in an Italian prison.
In front of the Italian parliament, some Sicilians and Tunisians have started protesting every day. They too are calling for the release of their own family members, but this time from prisons in Libya, Middleeasteye reported.”We will not leave Rome until our fathers, sons and friends are brought back from Libya to Italy,” said Naoires Ben Haddad, a 22-year-old trainee and daughter of one of the captured fishermen.

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