Home / Writings & News / Leader urges for observing justice in gov. policymaking

Leader urges for observing justice in gov. policymaking

In a meeting with the college students and student activists, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on President Ebrahim Raeisi’s administration to pay more attention to justice-centered policies.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received a group of students on Sunday as part of Ramadan meetings with different classes of the society.

The Leader hailed President Ebrahim Raeisi’s administration for its great efforts to advance the country’s affairs and making progress despite all the pressures.

He called on the students to admire the Iranian government for its great achievements while also keeping in place their criticism of the government’s economic records.

Ayatollah Khamenei went on to call on the government to pay more serious attention to the issue of justice in policymaking.

The Leader further said justice means focusing on equal economic opportunities for everyone and diminishing the economic gap between different classes in the society.

This item is being updated.

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