Home / Writings & News / ‘Kurds are one of us’, Ayatollah Khamenei tells Barzani

‘Kurds are one of us’, Ayatollah Khamenei tells Barzani

 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has highlighted the strong bonds between Iran and the Kurdish communities.

President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Nechervan Barzani met with Ayatollah Khamenei during a visit to Tehran on May 6.

In an article on Friday, the Khat-e-Hezbollah (course of Hezbollah) weekly released more details of the meeting.

The weekly said that in the meeting with Barzani, Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the close bonds between the people of Iran and the Kurds.

“We consider the relations between us and the Kurdish community –be it in Iran or in Iraq- to be closer than those with any other nation,” the Leader stated.

“They (Kurds) are one of us,” Ayatollah Khamenei told Barzani.

In a meeting with the Iranian foreign minister later on May 6, the KRG president hailed his delightful, fruitful and problem-solving meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei, saying Erbil will do its utmost to enhance relations with Tehran.

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