Home / Writings & News / Israeli tank kills 5 own soldiers, wounds 7 more in Gaza

Israeli tank kills 5 own soldiers, wounds 7 more in Gaza

An Israeli regime tank fired shells at a building in Gaza where the occupying troops were stationed, killing 5 soldiers and wounding 7 more, the regime’s military has said.

The Israeli military said on Thursday that five of its soldiers were killed in the northern Gaza Strip when they were struck by Israeli tank fire. “There was a tank crossfire of the 202 battalion resulting in the death of 5 soldiers and some soldiers injured.”

There was a tank crossfire of the 202 battalion resulting in the death of 5 soldiers and some soldiers injured,” the military said of the friendly fire incident that occurred on Wednesday.

This is while, the Hamas resistance movement said in a statement on Wednesday its forces killed at least 12 Israeli soldiers in the invaded Gaza Strip.

About خاکسار

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