Home / Writings & News / IRGC Spokesman Blames US for Civil War in Afghanistan

IRGC Spokesman Blames US for Civil War in Afghanistan

“What have the Americans achieved in Afghanistan after 20 years? With all the oppression and crimes, their only achievement — and wish — was to initiate a civil war in the country,” General Sharif said on Wednesday.

He described the incidents at the Kabul airport as a manifestation of American democracy.

The enemy, he said, launched a media campaign to satisfy the public opinion regarding the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan under the pretext of addressing the stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction, establishing democracy, and fighting terrorists.

“The US has failed to achieve its goals in the region. It is the result of the wisdom of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei as well as public resistance. We should remind the people of these failures in the media,” General Sharif added.

Earlier this month, the Afghan government and military collapsed in the face of the Taliban’s swift advances on the ground, which many attribute to a hasty withdrawal of US-led foreign forces from the country, two decades after Washington invaded Afghanistan to eliminate the Taliban.

The Taliban’s takeover and the power vacuum that ensued have plunged Afghanistan into chaos, with thousands of people still at Kabul’s international airport seeking to leave the country.

Reports say 20 people have been killed in the mayhem at the airport, most in shootings and stampedes.

Shocking videos emerged of a group of Afghans hanging onto an American plane just before takeoff and several falling through the air.

About خاکسار

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