Home / Writings & News / Iranian Nation Victorious in Face of US Hostilities: President Raisi

Iranian Nation Victorious in Face of US Hostilities: President Raisi

The US enmity with the Iranian nation goes back not to four but to seven decades ago, the president said Thursday in a gathering of the people of Semnan, a city 180 kilometers east of Tehran, held to commemorate the National Day of the Fight against Global Arrogance.

In the first three decades, the Americans managed to plunder the Iranian people’s assets with coups and support from puppet rulers, Raisi said.

“However, over the past 43 years after the victory of the revolution, the victor in this (battle against) the endless enmities of the Americans has been the Iranian nation.”

He also hailed a recent IRGC Navy confrontation with the US forces in the Sea of Oman, and described the Americans’ act of piracy as abominable.  

During the episode in late October, a footage of which was released on Wednesday, American forces confiscated a tanker that was carrying a cargo of Iranian oil in the strategic Sea of Oman, transferring its consignment of crude to another vessel.

The IRGC Navy then staged a maritime operation against the second vessel, landing its helicopters on its deck and navigating the ship towards Iranian waters.

A statement issued by the IRGC’s public relations office, said the US forces started pursuing the second vessel using several helicopters and warships but stopped short of capturing it.

Elsewhere in his remarks in Semnan on Thursday, Raisi referred to the negotiations on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal and said Iran pursues talks that focus on results.  

He said Iran will not leave the negotiating table but will remain steadfast against excessive demands that would undermine the Iranian nation’s interests.

“We will in no way give up (efforts to ensure the fulfilment of) the Iranian nation’s rightful demand about the removal of the unjust sanctions,” he went on to say.

On Wednesday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri said Iran and the EU have agreed to resume talks on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal and lifting of the illegal sanctions against Tehran in late November.

“In a phone call with (the European Union’s deputy foreign policy chief) Enrique Mora, we agreed to start the negotiations aiming at removal of unlawful & inhumane sanctions on 29 November in Vienna,” Baqeri, who is Iran’s chief negotiator in the talks, said in a tweet.

The European Union acted as the coordinator for the talks that led to conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the historic 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world countries.

The US, however, left the agreement in 2018 and re-introduced the sanctions that the accord had lifted.

Following a year of strategic patience, Iran resorted to its legal rights stipulated in Article 26 of the JCPOA, which grants a party the right to suspend its contractual commitments in case of non-compliance by other signatories and let go of some of the restrictions imposed on its nuclear energy program.

Iran and the remaining parties to the JCPOA have held six rounds of talks in the Austrian capital, which began after the administration of US President Joe Biden voiced a willingness to rejoin the nuclear agreement, to examine the prospect of the sanctions’ fresh removal.

The talks were, however, put on hold in the run-up to Iran’s presidential elections in June so that the Islamic Republic could go through a period of government transition

About خاکسار

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