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Iranian FM Meets Hezbollah Chief, Palestinian Leaders, Lebanese Officials in Beirut

Amir Abdollahian who has traveled to Beirut to meet with Lebanese officials, also met and held talks with Nasrallah on Thursday.

During the meeting, Iran’s foreign minister underlined that Tehran has a firm stance when it comes to supporting Lebanon and the resistance movement.

Nasrallah, for his part, thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for standing with the Lebanese government, nation and resistance for several decades.

“Iran has proved that it is a sincere ally and a loyal friend, which will not abandon its friends even in difficult times,” Nasrallah said.

People are very hopeful that as a result of all-out cooperation, Lebanon will get rid of the current hard situation, he added.

During his visit to Lebanon, the Iranian foreign minister met with the Lebanese President, Speaker of Parliament, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss bilateral relations and regional and international developments.

Amir Abdollahian also held a meeting with Ziyad al-Nakhalah and a group of leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement on Thursday.

The Iranian foreign mister also met with several high-ranking Lebanese officials as well as the Palestinian Resistance members in Beirut. 

Amir Abdollahian met and held talks with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati in Beirut on Thursday.

During the meeting, the two sides exchanged their views on strengthening bilateral ties and issues of mutual interests.

He also held talks with Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri.

In these separate talks with high-ranking Lebanese officials, Amir Abdollahian emphasized strong support of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Lebanon, and said that Islamic Republic of Iran is ready for all-out cooperation and assistance to Lebanese government.

During his meeting with Berri, the two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of mutual interests.

He also met and held talks with Lebanese President Michel Aoun in Presidential Palace in Beirut on Thursday.

During the meeting, the two sides exchanged their views on bilateral relations and issues of mutual interests.

Also, on Friday, Amir Abdollahian met with a group of leaders and representatives of parties, members of parliament, former ministers and prominent Lebanese figures.

After visiting the Russian capital Moscow to meet senior officials of the Russian Federation, Amir Abdollahian departed for Beirut on Thursday to hold meetings with the high-ranking officials of the country.

Upon his arrival at Beirut Airport, he was welcomed by Lebanese Minister of Justice.

About خاکسار

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