Home / Writings & News / Iran UN envoy: Iran to give decisive response to any attack on country

Iran UN envoy: Iran to give decisive response to any attack on country

 Iran’s permanent representative and ambassador to the United Nations clearly stressed that the Islamic Republic would decisively respond to any attack on the country.

Amir Saeed Iravani said that it is the fundamental policy of Iran to give a strong response to enemies in case they target the country, its interests, and its nationals beyond the country’s borders.

The Iranian envoy also rejected the media allegations claiming that the United States and Iran have exchanged messages through mediators over the past two days, following a deadly attack on a US military base on the Jordan border.

Several days ago, a drone attack on a US base located on Jordan’s border with Syria killed three American servicemen. Iraqi Islamic Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack by issuing a statement on Sunday.

US officials have accused Iran of enabling groups attacking the United States, claiming that the attack on the US base in Jordan carried the footprints of a Resistance group allegedly backed by Iran.

Over the past years, Iraq’s Resistance groups have been staging numerous strikes against military bases housing American occupation forces in Iraq and neighboring Syria.

The strikes have increased in intensity since October 7, 2023, when the Israeli regime, Washington’s main regional ally, launched a US-backed genocidal war against the Gaza Strip. So far, the regime’s onslaught has claimed the lives of more than 26,600 civilians, mostly women and children, leaving more than 65,300 others injured.

Meanwhile, the US has been deploying its forces and military equipment to Syria and Iraq without a UN mandate and under the pretext of fighting terrorist groups, including Daesh. The Takfiri terrorist group had emerged as Washington was running out of excuses to extend its regional meddling or enlarge it in scale.

American forces have maintained their illegal presence in both countries, despite vociferous protests from their people and top officials, who have been persistently calling on Washington to withdraw its troops.

On Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kan’ani stressed that the Resistance groups in the region do not take orders from the Islamic Republic of Iran in their decisions and actions, adding that Iran does not interfere in the decisions of the Resistance groups on how to support the Palestinian nation or defend themselves and their people against any aggression and occupation.

The foreign ministry spokesman emphasized that the baseless accusation leveled against Iran is a conspiracy made by those who see their interests in dragging the US into a new conflict in the region.

About خاکسار

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