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Iran to Sue U.S. Over Role in Riots

 Iran says it will file a lawsuit against the United States for its direct role and involvement in the recent unrest in the country.
A court in Tehran will determine the damage caused and will issue the necessary verdict against the US, said Kazem Gharibabadi, deputy chief of the Iranian judiciary and secretary of the High Council for Human Rights.
Gharibabadi talked about how destructive the role the U.S.-funded Iran International and BBC Persian TV Networks played in instigating violence, mobilizing the riots, and sabotaging public and private property in Iran.
“These two networks and their agents should be added to the list of terrorist groups and individuals. Also, documented cases about the actions of these networks are being compiled and judicial actions will be pursued against them in domestic and foreign courts soon,” he said.
“In the meantime, the role of the countries that host and support these networks, that is, England and Saudi Arabia, will not be neglected by the relevant governmental apparatuses.”
He also pointed to attacks against Iranian diplomatic places and persons that took place in some countries.
“All diplomatic places and agents must be immune from any aggression, assault and damage, and the hosting country must fulfill its duty and take all the necessary measures in order to protect and prevent any attack and damage to diplomatic places and agents,” he said.
On September 30, Iran’s intelligence ministry said the United States and the United Kingdom were “directly” involved in the recent riots across the country.
Dozens of terrorists affiliated with the Zionist regime and anti-revolution groups have been detained during the recent days of unrest, the ministry said in a statement.
The ministry underscored the behind-the-scene circumstances surrounding the foreign-backed riots that followed the death of a 22-year-old woman from Kurdistan, named Mahsa Amini, who collapsed in a police station and died in hospital despite intensive medical care and resuscitation efforts.
The Iranian intelligence ministry said that the major elements behind the riots were largely foreign citizens, members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) in Albania, and individuals working with other anti-revolution terror outfits.

About خاکسار

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