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International organizations express concern over new wave of executions in Saudi Arabia

– US human rights organizations in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have expressed concern over executions in Saudi Arabia.
US human rights organizations in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia indicating to the increase in the number of executions in Saudi Arabia, stressed that recent executions have increased fears of an increase in executions in other countries. The Americans for Democracy and Human Rights said in a written statement to the UN Human Rights Council that the number of executions in Saudi Arabia had increased since 2015, with 184 prisoners executed, and on April 23, 2019, in just one day, 37 prisoners were executed.
The organization also stressed that the charges against prisoners, especially those related to demonstrations and riots, are subjected to torture and unfair trials. The report also states that Saudi Arabia has violated many of the basic human rights and legal principles inserted in the Anti-Torture Agreement and has violated the rights of children by imposing severe and inhumane punishments. “As a member of the Human Rights Council, Saudi Arabia must end all actions that lead to disregarding human rights,” the report continued.
This news is originally published by Shafaqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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