Home / Writings & News / International Day of “Women and Girls in Science”; American Embassy demanded Afghan women have access to education

International Day of “Women and Girls in Science”; American Embassy demanded Afghan women have access to education

The American Embassy in Afghanistan has requested the access of women and girls to education in this country on the occasion of “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”.

The American Embassy, which is currently operating from Qatar, wrote on its Twitter today (Saturday, 11 February) that in honor of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, will focus on the “amazing” work and activity of the Afghan girls’ robotics team.

The American Embassy added, the Afghan girls’ robotics team is the best example of the hope and hard work of girls in this country.

According to this American organization, “If Afghan women and girls are given a chance, they can help build a creative and technology-based future world with their own initiative. “Afghan women and girls have the right and deserve education at all levels.”

On the other hand, on the occasion of this day, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has emphasized the greater participation of women and girls in education, science and technology.

Hossein Ebrahim Taha, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, has asked the member countries of this organization and other international organizations to work to guarantee the rights of women and girls in science.

It should be mentioned that the Taliban has imposed many restrictions on women in Afghanistan in the past year; Banning women’s education and work is one of these restrictions.

About خاکسار

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