Home / Writings & News / Increase in number of victims of terrorist attack on Shia girls’ high school in western Kabul; 55 martyrs & 151 wounded

Increase in number of victims of terrorist attack on Shia girls’ high school in western Kabul; 55 martyrs & 151 wounded

The Afghan Interior Ministry says the death toll from a deadly attack on the Sayyid al-Shuhada school in western Kabul has risen to more than 55 martyrs and 151 wounded.
According to Shafaqna Afghanistan; Interior Ministry spokesman Tariq Arian said the dead were students and residents of the scene.
Arian added that this statistic is not final and it is possible to increase.
According to him, the process of transferring the dead and wounded to the hospital continued until last night.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Afghan Interior Ministry stressed that the attack was carried out by Taliban fighters.
According to him, while academic places have war immunity, the group uses these areas as leverage to put pressure on the people and government of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Terrorist attack on a girls’ school in Shia district of western Kabul
A car bomb exploded in front of a girls’ school in the western Shia district of Kabul, killing and wounding 77 people.
The explosion took place this evening in front of the school of Sayyid al-Shuhada in the town of Etefaq, the 13th security district of Kabul. Most of the victims of this explosion were children who were leaving the school of Sayyid al-Shuhada.
Interior Ministry spokesman Tariq Arian told the media about the details of the blast: “So far, 25 people have been killed and 52 injured in the blast. The injured were taken to hospitals. The death toll is changing.”
Meanwhile, the Afghan Ministry of Health said that medical teams had arrived at the scene and had taken 46 injured to hospitals.
The Afghan Interior Ministry said the nature of the blast and its purpose were not yet known and that investigations had begun.
However, eyewitnesses said that most of the injured were students who had been expelled from the girls’ school of Sayyid al-Shuhada (A.S) and were going to their homes.
Ali Khan Ehsani, who is a head master at the school, detailed that a car bomb full of explosives exploded near to a health clinic attached to the school, followed by two explosions caused by landmines while students were fleeing.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban, condemned the attack in the Dasht-e Barchi area of west Kabul, today in a message sent to the media.
No other group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The blast came as Afghan security and defense officials said last week was a bloody week in terms of the severity of the war in Afghanistan, and the Taliban and civilians have been killed in heavy fighting in seven provinces.
This news was published at 21:37 on May 8 and was updated at 12 on May 9.

This news is originally published by Shafaqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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