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Audible conversation

Lewis calls for a mass protest against the status quo, saying that we must stand up and fight against the oppressors like our ancestors, even if we are all killed! And we forgot that …

Louis Farrakhan (born May 11, 1933) is the leader of the Conservative and largely African-American movement of the Islamic Ummah.

He converted to Islam with the guidance of Malcolm X.

رهبر مسلمانان آمریکا: افول قدرت واشنگتن ادامه دارد - Parstoday
America is the most corrupt country in the world
مسلمانان نیجریه در مراسم سوگواری سردار سلیمانی حضور یافتند ...
America is the most corrupt country in the world

About Mohammadreza Eslaamloo

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