Home / Writings & News / Al-Nujaba: Iran main supporter of Iraq in fight against terrorism

Al-Nujaba: Iran main supporter of Iraq in fight against terrorism

Turning to the unsparing supports of Iran in defeating ISIL, Iraq’s al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement said that the military option is the most effective way to confront the occupation and there is no other solution.

In a statement released late on Monday on the occasion of 5th anniversary of the defeat of ISIL terrorist group in Iraq, the al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement said that Iraq will never forget the unsparing supports of Iran in defeating ISIL.

The statement added that Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and former Iran’s IRGC Quds Force Commander Martyr Lt. Gen. Soleimani were the main supporters of Iraqi nation in the fight against terrorism.

While reminding the sabotaging of the hostile regimes on the way of confronting Takfiri terrorism, it emphasized that Iraq attained eye-catching victory against ISIL terrorist group and managed to foil their malicious plots waged against Iraqi people.

Al-Nujaba Resistance Movement in Iraq reiterated the leading role of Iran’s top commander Martyr Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and Second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, in the fight against terrorism in Iraq.

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