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Myanmar: Rohingya Muslims flee to Bangladesh amidst escalating clashes

More Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar’s Rakhine state have fled to Bangladesh to escape the latest violence between military junta forces and opposition armed groups, Anadolu Agency reported.

Many have crossed into the Rohingya refugee camp in southeastern Cox’s Bazar, where 1.2 million Muslims from Myanmar have already sought refuge.

Mohammad Nur Hashem, a Rohingya Majhi, or community leader, in the Cox’s Bazar Rohingya camp, told Anadolu by phone that “hundreds of Rohingya have gathered along the Bangladesh border in southeastern Bandarban and Transboundary Naf River.”

“We confirm that some Rohingya have taken refuge in the Kutupalong and Balukhali camps in Cox’s Bazar through illegal border crossing. The dire situation in Myanmar forced the new influx,” said Hashem.

Hashem said, “Over a hundred Rohingya already reached different camps in Cox’s Bazar in the last two months.”

About خاکسار

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