Home / Writings & News / Iran’s Military Chief: Butchering Civilians Not Sign of Victory for Israel

Iran’s Military Chief: Butchering Civilians Not Sign of Victory for Israel

 Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri on Tuesday condemned the ongoing carnage in the besieged Gaza Strip by the Israeli military, and further said massacring civilians in the besieged enclave does not display Tel Aviv’s triumph.

“The enemies have shown their brutality in Palestine and are shedding the blood of children in Gaza and committing genocide,” Maj. Gen. Baqeri said in Kerman province.

“However, the killing of innocent people does not translate into a victory for the Zionists who were defeated in the unparalleled and surprise operation on October 7,” he added, referring to the military operation conducted by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas against Israel in early October.

“Definitely, the ultimate victory of the Palestinian nation is near with the resilience of people and the power of resistance front fighters,” the top general stressed.

“The continuation of Israeli atrocities will expose the true nature of the child-killing Zionist usurpers and that of their criminal American and hypocritical European supporters,” Baqeri continued.

In early October, Hamas launched a multi-pronged surprise military operation via land, sea and air against Israel. The group announced it was in response to the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and Israeli settlers’ growing violence against Palestinians. The attacks have so far killed more than 1,200 and injured over 5,500, according to Israeli officials. Hamas also announced it is holding between at least 200 and 250 hostages.

Following the multi-front attack by Hamas, Israel carried out heavy bombardment across the Gaza Strip, killing more than 13,300 Palestinians, including at least 5,500 children and over 3,500 women, and wounding over 30,000 others, and levelling entire neighbourhoods. The bombing, as well as enforced displacement orders by the Israeli Army, has also pushed 1.6 million people out of their homes.

Tel Aviv has also imposed a “complete siege” on Gaza, cutting off food, electricity, fuel and water supplies. The move has plunged the blockaded territory into a humanitarian crisis.

The Gaza Health Ministry has confirmed that the healthcare system in the besieged territory has “totally collapsed due to the Israeli war”. Dozens of hospitals and tens of medical centers are out of service due to Israeli raids, according to the enclave’s health ministry. The UN agencies have also warned that the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is “catastrophic”, calling for more international help as conditions deteriorate in the densely populated besieged enclave.

Iranian officials have in recent weeks cautioned that the current status in West Asia resembled a powder keg which could spiral out of control. They warned that if diplomatic pushes to stop Israeli assault are unsuccessful, there is a risk of the conflict escalating uncontrollably, with multiple regional players joining the fight.

Iranian officials say the Palestinian resistance movements do not face a shortage in munitions and other military equipment and are ready for a long battle with Israel and they are currently considering various options in response to the Zionist regime act of aggression and relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

Tehran says the history of Israel is full of assassinations, massacre, torture and killing of Palestinian kids, and described Tel Aviv regime’s atrocities and massacre of Palestinian women and children as indicative of the destitute of Zionists. Iranian officials say Tel Aviv has been struggling for more than 70 years to exit its identity crisis which has been mixed with genocide, plunder, forced displacement and scores of other inhumane moves.

About خاکسار

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