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God sends His blessings to the martyrs’ families

In a meeting with hundreds of parents, wives and children of martyrs, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described martyrs as the greatest heroes in Iran’s history. The meeting took place in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on June 25, 2023.

During this meeting, the Leader also called on those who are active in the arts and the media to artistically keep the memory of the martyrs alive while setting the martyrs as role models for the younger generation.

From the perspective of “Quranic value system,” Imam Khamenei considered the fathers, mothers, and wives of the martyrs to be more virtuous than other believers. He described them as epitomes of patience, upon whom God sends His blessings and mercy.

He considered the acts of sacrifice made by the parents and wives of the martyrs in giving up their loved ones as the ultimate practice of doing good and giving for the cause of God. The families of the martyrs are a clear example of jihad with the carnal self, because by fighting and overcoming their desires, love, and passion for their children and spouses, they sent them off to engage in jihad.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described all those who supported the fighters of the Sacred Defense as partners in their struggle. “Amongst these, those who accompanied and helped their children and their beloved spouses in taking part in jihad for the cause of God, have played a significant role in the victory of the Sacred Defense. Unfortunately, this great jihad of the fathers, mothers, and wives of the martyrs has been neglected up until now,” he said.

Imam Khamenei acknowledged that the suffering and pain that is experienced by the families of the martyrs in the loss of their loved ones is inexhaustible, yet a source of greatness and honor.

“From this perspective, the Almighty God will bestow these patient and grateful people with the greatest positions,” he added.

Imam Khamenei described the parents and wives of the martyrs as extraordinary treasures that contain the memories of the heroic martyrs of “the Sacred Defense, security, defense of the shrines and those who dealt with incidents such as the ones that occurred last year.” By the same token, he added that “The behavior of these heroes, their distinguished moral features, their lifestyles, and the transformations that took place in their lives can serve as examples for our society, especially among our teenagers and the youth. Additionally, the publication of the memories of the martyrs’ families will play an important role.”

The Leader emphasized that the Islamic Revolution has saved Iran from slipping into ethical, religious, and political deviation. “After the victory of the Revolution, the country’s youth fought in all events, and by defeating the enemy in various conspiracies and by turning threats into opportunities, they gave Iran honor and pride,” he added.

In his concluding remarks, Imam Khamenei called on the media and artists of all disciplines to promote the memory of the martyrs in an artistic and appealing manner. “Of course, in recent years, good work has been done in the field of publishing books, films, and some other artistic products, but it is small when you compare it to the great tasks that need to be achieved.”

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About خاکسار

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