Home / دسته‌بندی نشده / Regional security priority for Iran: new envoy to Riyadh

Regional security priority for Iran: new envoy to Riyadh

 The newly appointed Iran’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia has told Iranian media that Tehran seeks more regional cooperation and considers regional security as a priority.

Alireza Enayati, Iran’s new envoy to Saudi Arabia told Tehran-based Al-Alam Arabic-language TV on Tuesday that “Today, we want more cooperation with each other and we consider the security in the region as a priority…”

“Security cannot be acquired with weapons and ammunition or through military forces,” Enayati also noted, adding “Militarizing security is a big mistake. Security in its new sense  should be achieved through economic, commercial, social and cultural development, and we welcome that idea.”

Iran’s embassy in Saudi Arabia’s capital city of Riyadh was reopened after seven years by the officials of the two countries on Tuesday.

Iran and Saudi Arabia normalized their diplomatic relations after seven years following talks mediated by China in Beijing a few months ago.


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