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President Assad’s Strategic Trip to Tehran

Syria could be likened to a phoenix, but unlike the mythological bird this ancient West Asian country, which proudly preserves its independence, is a reality acknowledged by even its most avowed enemies.
Syria’s emergence as a stronger state after a decade of a multinational war imposed by the US, West European regimes, the illegal Zionist entity, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, and Turkey, through an assortment of chemically-armed terrorists, including the macabrely murderous takfiris, is an undeniable proof in this regard.
Its unbending spirit of resistance is not only the legacy of the late president, Hafez al-Assad, but also the astute leadership of his son and successor, President Dr. Bashar al-Assad – an ophthalmologist by profession, who like his father, has the keen eyesight to discern friends from foes.
Yesterday, the Syrian president and his delegation were in Tehran to express personal appreciation for the vital assistance provided by inflexible ally, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and to exchange views on reconstruction and regional-international issues with host, President Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Ibrahim Raisi.
Dr. Bashar was also granted audience by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, who during cordial talks pointing to the spectacular successes of Syria against heavy odds, hailed him and his steadfast nation as “honoured by all regional states.”
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei noted: “Today, Syria is not the same Syria that it was before the war. The ravages of war could be reconstructed, but if principles are lost, they cannot be reconstructed. Now Syria enjoys a higher degree of respect and credibility, and all countries look upon it as a power.”
President Assad rightly responded: “The steadfastness of Iran and its unwavering stances over the past four decades on regional issues, especially on the issue of Palestine, have shown to the entire world that Iran’s path is correct and principled.”
He said: “The steadfastness of the Iranian nation on the principles and fundaments laid by [the Father of the Islamic Republic] Imam Khomeini (RA), which has continued through your determination, has paved the way for great triumphs of the great nation of Iran and the regional people, especially the people of Palestine.”
Tehran and Damascus enjoy strategic ties that have withstood the test of time including the 8-year war Washington had imposed on the Islamic Republic through Saddam of the repressive Ba’th minority regime of Baghdad in the 1980s, and throughout the decade-long destabilization bid by Syria’s enemies, who were collectively defeated thanks to the brilliant advisory role of Iran’s general Qassem Soleimani (martyred in a cowardly manner in Iraq in January 2020 by the terrorist US president, Donald Trump).
The two sides are now all set to cooperate in the field of rebuilding Syria as is indicative from the high-ranking trade-industrial delegation that accompanied President Assad to Iran.
The Islamic Republic possesses the technology and the knowhow to help revive Syria’s economy and industry, as well as mold its military and people’s militias into a formidable force for driving out all occupiers, including the Americans, and the remnants of the terrorist outfits in Idlib.
The next goal is definitely the liberation of the Zionist occupied Golan Heights, a factor that has unnerved usurper Israel, which currently indulges in sporadic terroristic aerial attacks in a vain bid to prevent the inevitable, because it greatly fears the day when a combined Palestinian-Lebanese-Syrian force (bolstered by Jordanians and Egyptians as well) will eventually descend upon Bayt al-Moqaddas.

About خاکسار

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