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Palestinians Pledge to ‘Open Gates of Hell’ to Zionists

Palestinian resistance groups have warned that the Israeli assassination of any of their leaders would trigger an “earthquake in the region” and “open the gates of hell” to the occupying regime.
The warning came in response to reports the Zionist regime was contemplating assassinating Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip Yahya Sinwar.
Hamas warned a return to the policy of targeted killings of its leaders would see the return of bloody retaliations inside Occupied Palestine and that the resistance movements would “burn central cities and land severe rocket strikes on the Dan Region and Tel Aviv, more than the enemy can even imagine”.
The Palestinian Al-Ayyam newspaper reported that senior Egyptian intelligence officials were in intensive talks toward reaching understanding between Israeli and Palestinian officials to prevent an escalation of the security situation.
These understandings included an end to Israeli “incursions” into Al-Aqsa or limiting those “invasions” to the absolute minimum, the opening of Gaza crossings, and an end to other inhuman measures.
According to the report, some issues remain resolved, including the Israeli demand for an end to raids in the West Bank and Occupied Palestine targeting Palestinians.
The Palestinian organizations reportedly responded to the demand by saying: “What is transpiring in the West Bank and in Israel is largely the activity of individuals and a response to Israel’s crimes and this cannot be opposed as long as the occupation continues its killings, arrests, and settlements.”
As for the Zionist regime’s threat to target senior Hamas officials, the report noted the Gaza factions informed the mediators any blow to Hamas leaders and symbols would ignite a war that would spread beyond Gaza.
Sinwar was released in a prisoner exchange deal to free IDF captive Gilad Schalit after serving over 20 years in an Israeli prison.
Islamic Jihad vowed to launch extremely painful and devastating retaliatory strikes against sensitive targets inside the occupied territories if the Zionist regime resumes assassinations.
“The assassination of any resistance leaders, above all Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, will open up the gates of the hell to occupiers,” Khaled al-Batsh, a member of the Islamic Jihad politburo, said.
Israeli threat to assassinate Sinwar is a threat to all Palestinians, he said, stressing that a heroic battle against Zionist occupiers will begin once any of the Palestinian resistance leaders is targeted.
“Any resident of Al-Quds considers himself as obliged to support the Palestinian nation. We call on revolutionary youths to bravely fight off Zionists in defense of the Palestinian cause of Palestinians’ aspirations,” Batsh said.
Israel extended the closure on crossings with the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip until Monday.
Israeli authorities largely shuttered crossings for Palestinians into the occupied lands on Tuesday and Wednesday as the regime celebrated Nakba or the catastrophe of its establishment, as it is known to Palestinians.
Israeli forces on Sunday arrested two young Palestinian men suspected of killing three Zionists and injuring several others in a retaliatory operation, Zionist authorities said.
They announced the arrests of 19-year-old As’ad Yousef As’ad al-Rifa’i, and Subhi Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir, 20, for the attack in the extremist city of Elad on Thursday night.

About خاکسار

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