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Environmental protection is not just a formal, ceremonial issue

Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, planted two saplings on the occasion of National Tree Planting Day and Natural Resources Week.

Congratulating the Iranian nation on the auspicious occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Imam Hussain (pbuh), Ayatollah Khamenei described that holy personage as being the center of love for the Iranian nation and all Muslim nations including the Shia and the non-Shia.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described tree planting as being a completely religious, revolutionary move. He said, “Of course, taking care of and protecting the existing trees is also a very important task that should be attended to.”

He referred to plants as being a source of comfort for the soul, a source of divine sustenance, protection for the human body and useful for all of humanity. He explained, “For this reason, the destruction of forests, the natural environment and the plant cover is the destruction of national interests. Destroying parts of forests for the construction of buildings, except in cases of emergency, is definitely to the disadvantage of the nation.”

Rejecting the attitude of looking at the natural environment as being something decorative and a peripheral issue, he stated that the protection of the environment is one of the most fundamental issues of the country. Furthermore, he stated, “A serious step in protecting the natural environment involves the protection of two great sources of wealth for nations – water and soil – and the refusal to waste them. In this regard, officials should pay attention to the guidance of experts.”

 “Wildlife conservation” was another issue the Leader of the Islamic Revolution highlighted, saying that neglecting this matter would jeopardize national interests, “In Islam, hunting is only allowed when there is a need for food. Otherwise, it is illegal and forbidden. Even going on a hunting trip [for pleasure] is forbidden. Therefore, preventing illegal hunting should be taken seriously and we must work hard to protect wildlife.”

Imam Khamenei stressed that the Natural Environment Organization and the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad are responsible for preventing the utilization of agricultural lands for other purposes. The Leader emphasized, “Such other uses are to the disadvantage of national interests. Agricultural lands should be expanded.”

Highlighting the necessity to develop clean energy, His Eminence stressed, “The development of non-fossil energies such as nuclear energy, which is increasingly being used throughout the whole world – including in regional countries that are moving in this direction – as well as wind and solar energies, should be taken seriously.”

At the end of his statements, Imam Khamenei called on the people to plant and care for trees. The Supreme Leader said, “Carrying out all important tasks requires the nations support. Tree planting is one of these tasks in which everyone can help out. People can plant and care for trees, prevent the elimination of trees and gardens around and in the city and help in the expansion of plant life.”

About خاکسار

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