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CPI named10 least corrupt countries

The 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released  by Transparency International ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption on a scale of zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The CPI global average remains unchanged at 43 for the tenth year in a row, and two-thirds of countries score below 50. The CPI shows that corruption levels remain at a standstill worldwide, with 86 per cent of countries making little to no progress in the last 10 years.

Transparency International found countries that violate civil liberties consistently score lower on the CPI. Complacency in fighting corruption exacerbates human rights abuses and undermines democracy, setting off a vicious spiral. As these rights and freedoms erode and democracy declines, authoritarianism takes its place, contributing to even higher levels of corruption, Transparency International  reported.

Denmark has been placed at the top of the list of the least corrupt countries in the world. After Denmark, New Zealand and Finland, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany complete the top 10. With an average score of 66 out of 100, Western Europe and the EU still tops the CPI, but progress in recent years has plateaued, Transparency International states in its report. The Covid-19 pandemic has threatened transparency and accountability across the region, leaving no country unscathed and exposing worrying signs of backsliding among even the region’s best performers, the report states, according to The Local.

Afghanistan was ranked as one of the most corrupt finishing 174th in the list with a score of 16 along with North Korea and Yemen, WION mentioned. The UAE has been ranked the least corrupt Arab country, being placed at 24 out of 180 countries in the Index. Qatar comes next among the least corrupt countries in the Middle East and North Africa, ranking 31 out of the 180 countries, the index showed. Saudi Arabia has maintained its position compared to last year, ranking at 52 out of the 180 states, with a score of 53 out of 100, Arab News reported. Libya, Yemen and Syria were at the bottom of the list as the worst performing countries at global and regional levels, ranking 172, 144 and 178 respectively.

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