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Hawza Ilmiyya of England launches advanced studies

Hawza Ilmiyya of England has launched a three years course in advanced level which will be opened on Monday October 18th, 2021 and the deadline for registration is October 11th.
Hawza Ilmiyya of England (HIE) was established to teach Hawza courses and Islamic studies based on the needs of Western societies. For the past 12 years, HIE has been offering its introductory-level courses, which last four years, to those who have a keen interest in Hawza courses and Islamic studies.
So far three successive groups of alumni have graduated from HIE. Our alumni have been able to serve as scholars, community leaders and heads of Islamic centres in the West.
However, the four-year level is considered as the introductory level education, and naturally cannot fully quench the thirst of those who want to learn religious knowledge and prepare themselves to respond to the challenges that human beings face in this day and age. Moreover, not everyone can migrate to the holy city of Qom for further in-depth studies.
Hence, HIE has decided to establish the advanced level of religious education, having beseeched God Almighty for assistance and praying to receive the blessings of Imam of the Time (May Allah hasten his reappearance).
Topics and Textbooks
1.     At this level, the module on jurisprudence will consist of a textual analysis of Shaykh Ansari’s Al-Makasib. In this module, the pupils will also become familiar with a deductive analysis of modern jurisprudential questions which have mostly emerged in the Western context.
2.     Moreover, the module on principles of jurisprudence (Usul al-fiqh) will focus on Ayatollah Ja‘far Sobhani’s Al-Wasit. This text will be taught at an advanced level and the principles of the field of usul will be taught based on examples.
3.     One of the momentous tasks of Hawza Ilmiyya is to familiarise the students with the principles of belief and the field of Kalam or theology. The module on Imamiyya Kalam will be comprised of a textual analysis of Kashf al-Murad.
4.     Since the theological discussions are mixed with philosophical issues, and one cannot fully master Kalam without having a sound grounding in philosophy, the module on philosophy will focus on a textual analysis of Al-Nahaya by Allama Tabataba’i.
5.     Since the West has served as the breeding ground for such themes as challenges to religion, pluralism, hermeneutics, secularism, and the human sources of revelation, HIE has also envisaged a module on the philosophy of religion. The pupils in this module can gain an in-depth knowledge of the philosophy of religion in the West and would be trained to review and critique the views of thinkers and theoreticians in this field.
This module will be text-centred and research-based and the pupils are to present their research work periodically.
Time and Language
The advanced level will last three years and will be offered in two languages. There will be separate classes for English speakers and Farsi speakers.
Opening day: Monday October 18th, 2021
Deadline for registration: October 11th, 2021
Address: Islamic Center of England, Maida Vale, London, W9 1QB 140
Entry Requirements
1. BA Honour degree, Hawza level one (or an equivalence degree)
2. A reference letter from wn Islamic scholar living in the UK or the heads of Islamic Centers
3. A solid commitment to attendance in all classes
Contact details
Contact Number: +447483385115
Email: admin@hawza.uk

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