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The Prophet’s Blessed Marriage

By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz

“Marriage is part of my Sunnah and whoever disregards it is not from us.”
This is one of the famous sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). As the Most Excellent Exemplar for the human race, he set the precedent for a healthy and morally sound marriage in order to build a virtuously stable family, long before God’s formal commandment to him to publicly proclaim his universal mission of Islam, as the Last and Greatest of all Prophets.
It is an undeniable fact that unlike the life of the prophets of the past, each and every single aspect of the life of the Seal of Messengers occurred in the full limelight of history – thanks to the pride of place even in pre-Islamic society of the noble monotheist Bani Hashem Clan into which he was born as a direct descendant of the Prophets Abraham (AS) and Ishmael (AS).
The blessed day was the 10th of Rabi al-Awwal, when the parentless, 25-year old son of Abdullah (AS) and Amena (SA) was married in a grand ceremony that caught the attention of all the people of Mecca and beyond, since after three days of Walima meals organized by his loving uncle Abu Taleb, they were fed for three months by the family of the wealthy and virtuous monotheist 28-year-old virgin, Khadijat-al-Kubra (SA), who had chosen him as her husband by spurning the offers of the rich and powerful Arabs of Jahiliyya.
It was a marriage made in heaven. The groom was the noblest man of his time, and the bride was an equally pure and chaste lady, although their social status vastly differed – the husband being a poor person, while the wife the richest lady of the land.
This was the first marriage for both of them, who had never been attracted before to any member of the opposite gender. Neither he wedded her for her wealth, nor did she marry him because of lack of suitors, or for improving his pecuniary status. What attracted them to each other was virtue, honesty, integrity of character, and above all the shared monotheist faith in the One and Only Creator in an Arabia submerged in polytheism and sins.
As the Best of creation, and as the Most Perfect offspring of Adam and Eve, his Light – God’s first-ever creation – had descended, generation after generation, through spotlessly clean wombs and pristinely pure backs; hence he had to marry the most chaste lady of his era so as to start the pristinely pure progeny of all times, whose unsullied cleanliness the Almighty would eventually vouch in the Holy Qur’an:
“Allah desires to keep away uncleanness from you Ahl al-Bayt and preserve you thoroughly purified.” (33:33)
Acclaimed as the Tahera or the Chaste for remaining virtuously single so far, the “Nikah” or nuptials of the 28-year old lady destined to be the “Omm al-Momineen” or the One and Only Mother of all True Believers, was solemnized by that primordial Muslim, the Prophet’s beloved uncle and guardian, Abu Taleb, who along with his wife, Fatema bint Asad, had brought up his orphaned nephew as his own son.
The two were the ideal made-for-each-other pair, and were blessed with a son named Qassem, from whom the Prophet’s agnomen (“kunya”) of Abu’l-Qassem (Father of Qassem) became universally famous for all time.
God Almighty, however, decided to take away the soul of the infant. As a form of trial, God granted the pair another son, Abdullah, who also died in infancy. Both husband and wife were content with God’s Will, because the All-Wise certainly had His Own Plans for ensuring eternity for the progeny of His Most Chosen Servant (“al-Mustafa”).
It was thus Divine Providence that five years after this blessed marriage, when Abu Taleb was blessed with his youngest child, son Ali (AS), the Prophet and Lady Khadija decided to take him under their own care.
Fifteen years after marriage, when God formally entrusted the message of Islam to her husband, the loyal monotheist wife immediately testified to his mission as the Last and Greatest of Divine Messengers.
So firm was the faith of First Lady of Islam that Archangel Gabriel conveyed to the Prophet a special message for her, saying: “O Messenger of Allah! When Khadija comes to you, greet her from Allah and give her the good tiding of a house made of precious stones in Paradise.”
The greatest blessing for the pair and an everlasting one indeed – both in the life of this transient world and in the Hereafter – was God’s granting to them of the blessed daughter named Fatema (SA) whom the Holy Qur’an has hailed as “Kowthar” or the “Fountain of Perpetual Abundance”.
The Prophet never took another spouse during the 25 years of marital bliss with Hazrat Khadija (SA), who spent all her wealth to feed, clothe, and shelter the persecuted neo Muslim community, to the extent that when she passed away there was hardly anything left for her only surviving child, daughter Fatemat az-Zahra (SA) – the Noblest Lady of all times (whom on God’s Commandment (Holy Qur’an 17:26) the Prophet gave the orchard of Fadak, which the usurpers of the caliphate seized from her).
The unrivalled status of the One and Only Mother of all True Believers (Omm al-Momineen) is crystal clear for all Muslims, who very well know that whenever Islam was in danger, it was the progeny of Khadija that rose to the occasion by giving it the kiss of life through their lifeblood – with Karbala and the martyrdom of her grandson, Imam Husain (AS), being the supreme example.
It is also needless to say that the Redeemer of mankind, the Awaited Imam Mahdi (AS), who will fill the world with justice, is the direct offspring of the Immaculate Khadija (SA).
Years after her death, when the widowed middle-aged Prophet had to take several wives out of social necessity in order to break the taboos of the days of ignorance, one of his spouses (her name is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari and other texts and need not be repeated here) objected to his constant remembrance of Khadija (SA). The Prophet was upset and replied:
“By God, the Almighty did not grant me a better wife than her. She believed in me when the people used to mock at me and she acknowledged me when the people denied me. She shared her wealth and property with me and she bore me children which I was not destined to have through other women.”
These words of the Prophet clearly specify that none of these ladies, whatever their degree of faith or lack of it in some of them, were never considered by the Seal of Prophets to be on a par with the beloved Khadija, whose memory he used to cherish till the end of his life – as part of his undeniable “Sunnah wa Seerah” (practice and behaviour).
Could there be a better precedent set by the Prophet than his marriage to Khadija (SA); his respect for her during the quarter century of marital bliss; his cherishing of her memory till the end of his life as one of the Four Noblest Ladies of all time; his profound affection for her daughter Fatema (SA), son-in-law Imam Ali (AS) and grandsons Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Husain (AS); and his emphasis on her Immaculate Progeny, the Ahl al-Bayt, as the evergreen tree of Divine guidance for the whole Ummah, including his Sahaba or companions?

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