Home / Writings & News / Syrian army drones targeted vehicles belonging to terrorist groups in Sahl al-Ghab in the northwest of Hama. Syrian army drones targeted vehicles belonging to terrorist groups in Sahl al-Ghab in the northwest of Hama. During the clashes that broke out between the terrorists and the Syrian army forces in Aleppo and Idlib on Saturday, at least 60 terrorists were killed. The Syrian army units managed to thwart the unexpected attack of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists. According to the 2017 agreement among Iran, Russia, and Turkey as the guarantor countries of the Astana Peace Talks, four safe zones were established in Syria. Three regions came under the control of the Syrian army in 2018, but the fourth region, which includes Idlib province in northwestern Syria and small parts of Latakia, Hama, and Aleppo provinces, is still under the control of terrorist groups and adversary groups. At the end of the summer of 2018, the leaders of Russia and Turkey reached an agreement in Sochi, Russia, during which Turkey promised to remove or disarm the terrorists based in this region without bloodshed.

Syrian army drones targeted vehicles belonging to terrorist groups in Sahl al-Ghab in the northwest of Hama. Syrian army drones targeted vehicles belonging to terrorist groups in Sahl al-Ghab in the northwest of Hama. During the clashes that broke out between the terrorists and the Syrian army forces in Aleppo and Idlib on Saturday, at least 60 terrorists were killed. The Syrian army units managed to thwart the unexpected attack of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists. According to the 2017 agreement among Iran, Russia, and Turkey as the guarantor countries of the Astana Peace Talks, four safe zones were established in Syria. Three regions came under the control of the Syrian army in 2018, but the fourth region, which includes Idlib province in northwestern Syria and small parts of Latakia, Hama, and Aleppo provinces, is still under the control of terrorist groups and adversary groups. At the end of the summer of 2018, the leaders of Russia and Turkey reached an agreement in Sochi, Russia, during which Turkey promised to remove or disarm the terrorists based in this region without bloodshed.

 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has expressed his approval of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Iranian army by awarding their commanders a “Medal of Conquest“.

The IRGC chief commander, Major General Hossein Salami, announced the news on Sunday while addressing a gathering of IRGC commanders in Tehran.

“Today, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution gave the Corps a clear symbol of his satisfaction with all the endeavors of the Corps, awarding a Medal of Conquest to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps,” he said.

General Salami said that although the Leader, who commands all Iranian armed forces had symbolically awarded the medal to him, it actually belonged to all members of the IRGC who defend the integrity and independence of Iran.

“The IRGC is always on the move and immobility has no place in its logic,” he said.

The same medial of conquest was also awarded to the commander of the Iranian army General Sayyed Abdolrahim Mousavi by the Leader.

About خاکسار

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