Home / Writings & News / Sheikh Isa Qassim: Islamic Ummah is a nation that practices patience, has insight and takes right and effective decisions

Sheikh Isa Qassim: Islamic Ummah is a nation that practices patience, has insight and takes right and effective decisions

– The spiritual leader of Bahraini Shia majority praises the Islamic Republic of Iran as the role model of justice and the pioneer in fight against cruelty who is standing by the oppressed nations of the world.
Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim who was addressing a crowd in the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas said defense, jihad and expressions like them are designed to fight corruption and this is the movement that would put the Islamic Ummah at the divine path.
The leader of Bahraini Shias said the Islamic Ummah is a nation that practices patience, has insight and takes right and effective decisions that are based on the paths of divine prophets.
Sheikh Isa Qassim noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a successful nation that is at the danger of military and cultural hegemony and is countering these dangers with all its powers.
This text was originally published by Shafaqna Farsi, translated by Shafaqna English.
Read more from Shafaqna:
Sheikh Isa Qassim: The power of Muslims is based on Infallible Imams’ school of thought

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