Home / Writings & News / Russian Scholar urges Muslim unity to combat Islamophobia

Russian Scholar urges Muslim unity to combat Islamophobia

IQNA: A Russian Muslim scholar said Muslims should get united to counter Islamophobia in the world. Fauzi Sido, the Mufti of the Spiritual Muslim Board of the Asiatic Part of Russia, talked to IQNA on the side-lines of the 35th International Conference on Islamic Unity in Tehran.

He said efforts should be made to replace Islamophobia in the world with Islamic unity. Islamophobia is a plot hatched to undermine unity in the Muslim world, he added. Sido also highlighted the role of events and conferences like the one held in Tehran in promoting unity in Muslim Ummah.
These are venues in which Muslims can exchange views and discuss their differences to foil the enemies’ schemes, he said. Elsewhere in his remarks, Sido described the relations between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Russia as good and said they have always avoided differences and disputes.

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