Home / Writings & News / NRC: EU’s continued delay in distributing aid is putting Palestinian lives at risk

NRC: EU’s continued delay in distributing aid is putting Palestinian lives at risk

 The European Union’s continued delay in distributing aid to vital sectors in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip is putting Palestinian lives at risk, A humanitarian organisation has warned. with dire consequences for patients needing treatment at occupied East Jerusalem hospitals.

Since 2021, the EU has withheld a large proportion of its funding to the Palestinians – nearly $230m – under the pretext that Palestinian school textbooks need to undergo revisions and changes.

But, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), the suspension of aid is paralysing critical sectors and impeding services, including healthcare in occupied East Jerusalem, where hospitals provide life-saving treatments to Palestinians from across the territories.

“These restrictions punish terminally ill patients who cannot get life-saving medicine and force children to go hungry when parents cannot afford to buy food. Palestinians are paying the cruellest price for political decisions made in Brussels,” said Jan Egeland, the NRC’s secretary-general, on Tuesday.

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