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Nasrallah: Resistance Sole Way to Liberation of Al-Quds

The secretary-general of Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah says attempts by a few Arab countries to normalize relations with the Zionist regime have failed to produce any results and that resistance is the only way to the liberation of Al-Quds.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made the remarks in a televised speech on the International Quds Day – the last Friday of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
“The Zionist regime’s atrocities against the Palestinians and the people of the region, the successive Arab defeats, the Arab betrayal, and the entry of some countries into reconciliation with Israel, have not stopped. Normalization is one of the regime’s goals to cultivate despair among the Palestinians; and the inter-Arab conflicts and internal events in the Arab and Islamic countries are in sync with that Israeli goal of disappointing the Palestinians,” Nasrallah said.
“The path of compromise and normalization has led to nowhere, and resistance and steadfastness is the only way to liberate Al-Quds.”
Four Arab countries – the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco – agreed to normalize relations with the Zionist regime under U.S.-brokered agreements in 2020, when then U.S. president Donald Trump was in office.
The move sparked widespread condemnations from the Palestinians as well as human rights advocates across the world, especially within the Muslim community.
To Palestinians, the normalization is a stab in the back and a direct affront to their cause.
Nasrallah said the International Quds Day is an occasion of highlighting the rightness of the Palestinian cause and the grievances of its people. “The Palestinian people today are more hopeful and more certain about the path of liberation.”
Nasrallah underscored Palestinian operations across the occupied territories in recent weeks and said such endeavors are a must alongside resistance as military confrontations have proven the weakness of the Zionist regime’s security apparatus.
“The operations in the West Bank, especially the individual operation that caused a violent shock in Israel, are among the most dangerous that the regime has faced,” the Hezbollah chief stated.
“Israel is an artificial entity that is not real, so it cannot remain without security, and this is its weak point. The liberation of Palestine may not require great armies; it needs fighters who rob the Zionists of security, so they will gather their belongings and flee,” Nasrallah said.
Meanwhile, the leader of Yemen’s popular Ansarullah resistance movement says the Arab countries that have signed controversial normalization deals with the Zionist regime will soon rue the decision.
Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, in a televised speech broadcast from Sana’a on Friday to mark International Quds Day, said the “losers” who seek normalization of ties with the regime “will soon be regretful”.
“We are now witnessing the fruits of resistance against enemies in Palestinian territories, Lebanon, and Yemen,” the leader of the Yemeni resistance movement asserted, while paying tributes to the Palestinian resistance fighters.
He noted that the massive International Quds Day events across the Muslim world are remarkable and demand serious consideration, thanking the Yemeni nation for participating in large numbers in Friday’s rallies.
“Submission and complete inaction towards the enemy is wrong in every sense of the word,” Houthi remarked, noting that people in some Muslim countries are helpless and unable to assert their position on the Palestinian cause because of their regimes’ “repressive stance on the matter”.

About خاکسار

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