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Moscow: Zelensky’s Preemptive Strike on Russia Remark Justifies Need for Special Operation

 Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s remark about a ‘preemptive strike on Russia’ confirms the threats coming from Kiev and the necessity of the special military operation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

“Yesterday, Zelensky urged his Western overlords to deliver a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia. By doing so, this person essentially showed the entire world more evidence of the threats emanating from the Kiev regime and why the special military operation was launched to neutralize [that],” he said via a video link at a session of the United Russia party’s commission within the framework of the international inter-party forum on environmental policy and sustainable growth, TASS reported.

Lavrov laughed off the maneuvers by Zelensky’s various aides who sought to downplay the Ukrainian president’s comment.

“We all remember how back in January he was talking about Ukraine’s aspiration to obtain nuclear weapons. Turns out, this idea is thoroughly stuck in his head,” the Russian top diplomat emphasized.

“When we are talking about environmental safety, we cannot ignore those discussions that recently have been persistently escalating, about the topic of the possible use of nuclear weapons, and especially concerning this we cannot turn a blind eye to the reckless actions of the Kiev regime which are aimed at creating risks of using various kinds of weapons of mass destruction,” he stressed.

Lavrov reiterated that the special military operation uncovered very alarming facts, including the presence of illegitimate military-biological programs at laboratories established by the Pentagon which involved experiments on developing forbidden chemical substances.

“And, certainly, the very dangerous incessant strikes on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue,” he added.

Earlier, Zelensky called on NATO to deliver preemptive strikes on Russia. On Thursday, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Leonid Slutsky responded to Zelensky’s comment, saying that the Ukrainian president is dragging Western countries into nuclear rhetoric and pushing the entire world to the brink of an apocalypse.

NATO, whom French President Emmanuel Macron at one time called ‘brain dead’, has gone too far, judging from the US-led Western bloc’s recent policies on Ukraine, Lavrov said.

Russia’s top diplomat said, “Macron at one time, diagnosed the North Atlantic alliance as being `brain dead’. Judging from how the bloc has been grooming Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime, the disease has deteriorated far too much already”.

“As you know, a summit of the so-called European Political Community was convened yesterday at the initiative of President Macron, and after the meeting the EU’s diplomacy chief [Josep] Borrell proudly declared that a security structure has been evolving without Russia’s involvement. So, they have been toeing Kiev’s line while encouraging the insane fantasies of those who still have power there,” the Russian foreign minister said.

According to Lavrov, the United States and its allies are thus responsible for the “dangerous spike in global tensions”, since they have been ratcheting up weapons supplies to the regime of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, “despite his overt nuclear ambitions.”

About خاکسار

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