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Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (S.A); Second Pillar of Islam

Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (S.A) was not the type of woman who sat at home weaving or sewing with no social responsibility. Her exalted spirit had made her from the very early stages of her life, endeavor for the spread of Islam with her father. The role of Fatima (SA) in her support and the spread of Islam was so vital that according to Imam Ali (A.S) she was considered the second pillar of Islam.
After the martyrdom of Fatima Al-Zahra (S.A) Imam Ali stated:

“The Messenger of God (PBUH) was the first column of Islam and Fatima (SA) was the second and the Islamic Ummah today has lost its second column too.”

Fatima (S.A) is famous and acknowledged as the “Seyyidatu-Nisa Al-Alamin” (Leader of all the women of the world for all times) because the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) would not have been everlasting without her. In her lifetime, she was a complete woman, being Daughter, Wife and Mother at the same time.
Fatima inherited the genius and wisdom, the determination and will power, piety and sanctity, generosity and benevolence, devotion and worship of Allah (SWT), self-sacrifice and hospitality, forbearance and patience, knowledge and nobility of disposition of her illustrious father, both in words and in actions.
Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or poor ever returned from her door empty-handed. Her home environment was an example of harmony, peace, tranquility, and modesty. Fatima (SA) is the role-model of all women of the world, her greatness is not limited to any particular time period or location. As stated by the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), Fatima (SA) is the best woman ever, from the beginning of time, up to its end.
Fatima (S.A) was a woman and as such Jihad was not obligatory on her. Nonetheless, she was an active participant and a supporter of the Muslim warriors along with her father and husband. During battles, Fatima (SA) had the responsibility of nursing the wounded soldiers and repairing their artillery. When the rumor about the martyrdom of the Messenger of God was spread in Medina during the battle of Ohud, Fatima (SA) mobilized some of the ladies of Medina to the battlefield.
One can easily appreciate from the historical records as to how she performed different duties towards the members of the society she was living in at that time. She was seen giving away her own marriage dress, jewelry, food and other material possessions to the needy Muslims whenever required. Not only towards Muslims but she also performed her similar role as a helper and supporter, whenever required towards the followers of other religions.
She fulfilled her social responsibilities to the utmost level of self-sacrifice, and not seeking any thanks or returns only as a duty toward God and God’s religion. These social duties and responsibilities were fulfilled by her in such a manner that her own life and of her immediate family members were risked due to lack of food and other necessities.
Fatima (SA), the Daughter of Muhammad (PBUH), a Brief Biography, Yasin T. Al-Jibouri
Fatima, the Mother of her Father, Sheikh Mansour Leghaei

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