Home / Writings & News / IRGC Naval Forces Thwart US Act of Piracy in Sea of Oman

IRGC Naval Forces Thwart US Act of Piracy in Sea of Oman

The US seized a tanker carrying Iranian oil for exports in the waters of the Sea of Oman and transferred its crude shipment to another tanker, voyaging towards an unknown destination.

The IRGC naval forces took immediate action to surround the tanker and landed troops on the deck of the vessel in heliborne operations and directed it towards the territorial waters of Iran.

Then several US military helicopters and warships rushed to seize the tanker but failed thanks to the decisive and mighty action of the Iranian naval forces.

The American forces again attempted to block the path of the tanker by more warships and helicopters, but were again pushed back. The oil tanker is currently in the territorial waters of Iran.

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Hossein Salami in a recent visit to the IRGC Command in Iran’s Southern waters underlined that the IRGC Navy has full control over the Persian Gulf region and the Strait of Hormuz by means of modern electronic warfare.

General Salami’s positive assessment of defense-battle preparedness the IRGC Navy came after his visit to the IRGC Command in the Persian Gulf islands and the Strait of Hormuz.

“The enemies of Iran must come to the understanding that any action from enemies at any scale and any place will not be tolerated by Iran and will receive quick, decisive, strict response,” he added.

General Salami said that all defensive equipment used by the IRGC are domestically made and all forces are at excellent level of preparedness to respond to any threat at any scale.

About خاکسار

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