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Iran: US Taxpayers’ Money Not to Avert Israel’s Fate Amid Domestic Crises

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani strongly condemned Israel’s brutal raids on Palestinian people in the occupied territories, and said that the US may support the Zionist regime out of American taxpayers pocket but this will not change the inevitable destiny of Tel Aviv.

In a series of tweets on Sunday, Kana’ani pointed out that each of the last five Israeli cabinets lasted less than one year and predicted that the current administration led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “will probably have the same fate”.

“The US government may support the apartheid Zionist Regime out of American taxpayers money, but this will not help the regime’s survival,” the spokesperson wrote.

“This regime suffers from huge domestic crises,” the diplomay said, adding that the occupiers are losing all hope of survival and this is raising Palestinians’ hope of victory and liberation.

He noted that the “social and political fault-lines of the spider den of Zionists are jolting this hollow regime more than ever before, pushing it to the cusp of collapse”.

Tens of thousands of protesters on Saturday held a massive rally in Tel Aviv for forth strait week against Netanyahu’s planned judicial reforms.

The Iranian diplomat also stressed that the Israeli regime’s crime in Jenin and the killing and wounding of dozens of innocent Palestinians “cannot distract the public opinion from the dire and shaky situation inside the temporary Zionist regime”.

The Zionist regime’s attacks on Jenin, which coincided with the CIA chief’s visit to Tel Aviv, has killed 10 young Palestinians, he lamented.

On Thursday, the Israeli military carried out a deadly raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. Ten Palestinians were killed, including an elderly woman, following several hours of intense confrontations between dozens of Israeli soldiers and Palestinian resistance fighters.

The latest killings bring the total number of Palestinians killed in Israeli fire so far in 2023 to at least 30, including five children.

In a retaliatory operation near a synagogue in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied East Al-Quds on Friday, eight settlers were killed and many others injured. Tel Aviv has announced that the gunman involved in the shooting was “neutralized” by Israeli soldiers.

Over the past months, Israel has ramped up attacks on Palestinian towns and cities throughout the occupied territories. As a result of these attacks, dozens of Palestinians have lost their lives and many others have been arrested.

The United Nations marked 2022 as the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in 16 years.

Israeli forces killed at least 171 Palestinians in the West Bank and occupied East Al-Quds last year, including more than 30 children. At least 9,000 others were injured as well.

About خاکسار

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