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IEC: Possibility of a significant change in elections’ final results

The Iraqi Electoral Commission has announced the time for announcing the final results of the country’s early elections.
“Emad Jamil,” a member of the Iraqi Electoral Commission’s information team, told a news conference today (Wednesday): The timing of the election results, the commission’s handling of the appeals, and the federal court’s decision on them indicate that the final results will be announced in the next 20 days, late this month or early November.
Noting that the announced results are preliminary and could change significantly, he said: “The calculations of the political factions for the winning candidates are different from the commission because it is not possible to select four winning men in a constituency from one faction. So the candidate with the lowest number of votes is not eliminated, but according to the Kota law (fixed quota) is given to a female candidate who may be from another party in order to maintain the 25% quota for women.
Jamil continued: “The election results are not final yet and the election commission will not adhere to it because it has not announced the number of winners, their names and the seats of each of them.” He emphasized that the Election Commission had received complaints from the first day after the voting, saying: “So far, there have been no red complaints about vote rigging and fraud that could lead to a change in the election results.”
On Monday, the Iraqi Electoral Commission announced the preliminary results of the elections in 83 constituencies from 18 provinces and the turnout was 41%. The general voting process in the early parliamentary elections in Iraq was held on Sunday in 8,273 polling districts, including 55,041 polling stations in different provinces of the country, where 3,249 independent candidates or members of 109 parties and 21 coalitions ran for 329 seats in 83 constituencies.
According to the report, a total of 24 million 29 thousand 927 people were eligible to vote in the early parliamentary elections in Iraq. The Independent High Electoral Commission (IEC) has confirmed that 1,249 international observers, as well as 147,152 local observers, and 510 foreign journalists covered the election.
The special voting process for particular groups in the early parliamentary elections in Iraq was also held last Friday in 687 polling districts, including 2,899 polling stations in different provinces of the country, where, according to the Independent High Electoral Commission, out of a total of one million and 196,124 eligible voters, including 1,757,727 military and security forces, 120,126 IDPs and 671 prisoners, 821,800 people cast their ballots to get a turnout of nearly 69 percent.
This news is originally published by Shafaqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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