Home / Writings & News / Hojjatul-Islam Rafiei: 30 Quranic verses relate to Hazrat Hamza (A.S.)

Hojjatul-Islam Rafiei: 30 Quranic verses relate to Hazrat Hamza (A.S.)

A faculty member of Al-Mustafa International University says that a total of 30 verses in the Holy Quran are related to Hazrat Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib (A.S.). Hojjatul-Islam Naser Rafiei made the remarks at the International Congress of Hazrat Hamza (A.S.) which was held today in Qom. He noted that verse 23 of Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 19 of Surah Al-Hajj, and verse 38 of Surah Saad are among the verses pointing to the figure.

He noted that hadiths from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are the other source that researchers can use to study the characteristics of Hazrat Hamza (A.S.). The cleric called on the public to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Hamza in mid-Shawwal. A number of other Muslim scholars talked about the Prophet’s uncle in this event. Earlier, Rafiei had noted that a policy-making committee, comprising seminary school and university elites, started work on the event some two years ago after the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei welcomed the initiative.

More than 30 sessions have been held in various places such as Qom, Mashhad, Isfahan, Golestan, Tabriz, and Turkey as preparations for the event, he said, adding that all the speeches in these sessions have been transcribed and will be published along with papers that the secretariat of the congress have received in the form of a 5-volume book. The cleric also pointed to plans to hold similar events for other top figures of early Islam. Earlier, he had also referred to intentions to make a series and a feature about the character of Hazrat Hamza (A.S.).

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