Home / Writings & News / French Lawyer: Macron must explicitly apologize to Muslims

French Lawyer: Macron must explicitly apologize to Muslims

Dr. François Déroche, a French Lawyer and Head of the Organization for Justice and Rights Without Borders, said that the European Court of Human Rights has criminalized cartoons insulting the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) because it has already ruled that ridicule and insult to the Prophet (PBUH) are not examples of freedom of expression.
“French President Macron is a politician who tends to speak like an expert, unaware that he is leading the world into a religious war whose consequences are not commendable,” he said. François called on Macron to openly apologize to Muslims and to pass a law that would include the freedom of Muslims to practice their religious rituals without any pressure or under any circumstances.
“The indicators of the French economy, which has been badly damaged by the Coronavirus and is now being damaged by Macron’s stupidity, are falling sharply at a time when the whole of Europe is shaking from the reflection of the second wave of the Corona and the closure of commercial markets,” Déroche said. He stressed that in the current situation of the embargo on French goods, the country’s economy will suffer more, especially as the secret hands ignite the fire of sedition and unrest against Muslims, which expands the scope of sanctions.
Déroche, a former president of the French National Union of Federal Physicians, noted: “Macron is putting France and its history at the service of his election campaign, at the cost of France’s prestige and economy and the blood of innocent people. He is like a child sitting on a barrel of gunpowder and playing with matches.”
This news is originally published by Shafaqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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