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Countdown Has Begun to Israel’s End

Yesterday’s massive rallies throughout the Islamic Republic of Iran and in scores of countries around the world on the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadhan to mark World Qods Day in support of the oppressed people of Palestine, make us recall the words of the Father of the Islamic Revolution on the fruits of the unity of the Islamic Ummah.
Imam Khomeini (RA) who had designated “Jumm’at al-Weda” (Farewell Friday of Ramadhan) as such, in order to infuse fresh life into the struggle of the Palestinian people had famously remarked over four decades ago: If the world’s billion-plus Muslims were to each pour a bucket of water Israel would be drowned.
The prediction of that Sage, who said the cancerous Zionist tumour will be weeded out from the heart of the Muslim world one day, is indeed drawing near.
This is indicative by the huge demonstrations on the streets after two years of absence of any road rallies due to the spread of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic, and yesterday’s burning of the Zionist flag amidst vociferous cries of “Death to Israel”, even by conscientious Jews, including Rabbis in their traditional attire, who eagerly participated, that the liberation of Palestine is nigh.
With no hope in any negotiations for resolving the chronic question of Palestine and the continued occupation of Islam’s 3rd holiest city, Bayt al-Moqaddas, where almost every day the Zionists are committing blasphemous desecration of the al-Aqsa Mosque coupled with bloodcurdling atrocities, battle lines are being drawn for a determined campaign.
The UN and the powers that manipulate it, will be held responsible for the resulting humanitarian crisis, in view of their indifference towards or the inability to, implement the practical plan presented by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has suggested that the only peaceful solution is to hold a referendum involving all indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, whether Muslims, Christians, and Jews – definitely not the illegal Zionist settlers from eastern Europe and other parts of the world – to set up a truly representative government for one single state stretching from the borders of Lebanon in the north to the borders of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula in the south, and from the banks of the River Jordan in the east to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the west.
The capital will be Bayt al-Moqaddas (Jerusalem as the West calls it) with freedom to worship at their respective religious sites, without any infringement, by followers of the three monotheistic creeds that regard it as holy, that is, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
Of course, the non-native settlers will be free to return in peace to the lands from where they or their parents had come, and in future could visit Palestine on temporary visas for pilgrimage, with written guarantees against committing any disturbances or harping on the racist/terrorist concept called Zionism.
This is not wishful thinking, but factual developments, if not, the usurper entity called Israel awaits a violent end and as per prophecies in religious texts no Zionist will be safe anywhere in any imagined protection of iron domes or nuclear deterrent, since even inanimate objects like boulders will reveal their hiding places.

About خاکسار

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