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Black man choked to death by US marine veteran in NYC Subway

Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old Black man, died on Monday in a New York City subway after a passenger held him in a chokehold until his body went limp, said police officials.

The city’s medical examiner confirmed that Neely died from compression of the neck, DW reported.

The passenger, a 24-year-old Marine veteran who appeared to be white, was questioned and released without charges. His name has not been publicly released.

Neely was screaming in “an aggressive manner” while complaining of hunger and thirst, Varquez told the New York Post. He added that Neely did not physically attack anyone.

The medical examiner called Neely’s death a homicide but noted that the determination of criminal culpability would be left to the legal system.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office said it was investigating the case.

Black man choked to death by US marine veteran in NYC Subway

Protesters gathered Wednesday at the subway station where Neely died to call for an arrest.

About خاکسار

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