Home / Writings & News / Al-Azhar: Al-Buraq Wall is a pure Islamic endowment, and Nodba Wall is a lie

Al-Azhar: Al-Buraq Wall is a pure Islamic endowment, and Nodba Wall is a lie

“The Al-Buraq wall is a pure Islamic endowment,” Al-Azhar stressed in the “Jerusalem between Arab rights and Israelis claims” campaign, which was recently launched by its affiliated media center.
It is also emphasized that the wall located in the southern part of the western fence of Al-Haram Al-Sharif and in front of the Al-Magharbeh Quarter, which was destroyed by Israeli authorities and its residents were forcibly evicted, is an integral part of Al-Aqsa Mosque. According to this campaign, the reason for naming the Al-Buraq Wall is that it is the site where the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tied his steed, Al-Buraq, on his Isra and Mi’raj.
In addition, the scan warns of such a claim by pointing out that what is called the “Nodbe Wall” is a lie, stating that “the Nodba Wall is a Israeli Jewish claim that It was placed on the Al-Buraq wall for the purpose of democratization, and after the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, at the same time as the establishment of the Jewish homeland in Palestine, propaganda began for it, so that the Jews began to visit the Al-Buraq wall and began their ceremonies with weeping and wailing over the ruins of the temple.
Emphasizing that history, geography, laws, international charters, and Islamic and Arabic law endorse the Al-Buraq Wall, not the Nodba Wall, Al-Azhar added: But the occupiers, who do not abide by the established and religious laws and rights, continue to deprive the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims of their rights and sanctities, and continue to oppose international laws and charters in the face of shameful global silence and indifference. While this indifference encourages the occupiers to commit more crimes in the occupied territories.
This news is originally published by Shafaqna Persian and translated by Shafaqna English

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