Home / Writings & News / Afghanistan: Women hold demonstration in wake of school bombing

Afghanistan: Women hold demonstration in wake of school bombing

A number of women held a demonstration in Kabul to protest the Friday (30 Sep 2022) attack on Kaaj educational center that left dozens of students killed and wounded. The protestors called on the United Nations not to remain silent about this issue.

“We call on the UN to not be silenct and to hear our voice,” said Razia, a protestor. “We call on the Islamic Emirate to provide security for women, particularly Hazara girls. Enough is enough,” said Wida, a protestor.

“The girls’ educational centers are being attacked. The Islamic Emirate should answer for why the security is not ensured,” said Fatima Mohammadi, a protestor.

Meanwhile, the Kabul security department said that the demonstration should be held in coordination with the security departments.

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