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Iran Rejects Accusation of Role in Red Sea, Yemen Incidents

The Iranian UN envoy hit back at the US, the UK and France for leveling “baseless allegations” against Iran regarding the situation in the Red Sea and Yemen, denouncing them as a pretext for justifying the unlawful military aggression against the Arab country.

In a letter to President of the UN Security Council Yamazaki Kazuyuki on Monday, Saeed Iravani criticized the representatives of the US and the UK for abusing the Security Council platform to level “unfounded allegations” against Iran regarding the situation in the Red Sea and Yemen.

Dismissing the American and British comments against Iran made at an open briefing of the UN Security Council on Yemen convened on March 14, Iravani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically rejects these baseless allegations, considering them as a pretext utilized by the United States and the United Kingdom to advance their short-sighted political agenda as well as to justify and validate their ongoing unlawful actions and military aggression against Yemen.”

He also rejected the “unjustified reference and unsubstantiated claim” made against Iran in the statement of the representative of France in that meeting, adding, “We call on France, as a permanent member of the Council, to act more responsibly and refrain from labeling political accusations against other sovereign nations without substantiation.”

“Once again, Iran unequivocally condemns the ongoing military aggression and unlawful use of force against Yemen by the so-called US-led coalition, which flagrantly violates Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, international law, the UN Charter, and relevant Security Council resolutions, posing a serious threat to regional peace and stability. The invocation of self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter by the US and the UK to justify their illegal actions is misleading and lacks legitimacy under international law,” the Iranian ambassador stated.

Reiterating Iran’s commitment to its adherence to Security Council Resolutions 2140 (2014) and 2216 (2015), the envoy said Iran “has not engaged in any activities that would contravene these resolutions, including the sale or transfer of arms or weaponry systems.”

“Moreover, Iran consistently advocates for the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis through diplomatic channels and underscores its dedication to maritime security and freedom of navigation,” he underlined.

About خاکسار

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